Original Post
Item information - Owners List

Each item in toribash has an "Item Information" panel.

Example this item:

There says its Owned By 45 People.

What if there is an "click" option and that Owned by "45 People" can be clickable and than you can see a List with the Persons Names who owns this item. And not only "Owned By 45 People" without any other informations about the owners.

A similar code exist in Trade History. If you trade an item than you can see who is the current owner of that item you trade before/ or long time ago.

I hope is a good small suggestion/idea
The average human body contains enough human bones to make up an entire human skeleton... loll wut? xD
Names highlighted in green represent ownership of items that have been bought/traded within the last year.

Names highlighted in red represent ownership of items that have been last traded at least a year ago.