Endurance Onslaught 6.0
least your replays were p good


Last edited by Fuze; Jan 19, 2015 at 04:46 AM.
Sad to hear this, but you may not know me. You inspire me to make replays and do cool stuff. I don't have a lot to say, but stay strong because I and the Toribash community know you can do it.


Originally Posted by Fuze View Post
that is if you are actually depressed, people do this kinda confession stuff for fun sometimes

This really pisses me off.
Depression and suicide isn't exactly a subject to joke about.
I hope you think better of me in the future, I am not Tyzi.
Last edited by jisse; Jan 19, 2015 at 07:27 PM.
comrade shook confirming that depression is not something to be joked about (and it is in fact one of the few things that i refuse to joke about because of how terrible it is)

Jisse doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd do things like this for shits and giggles. Having talked to him on the IRC, i can unfortunately see a lot of depression symptoms going on, and i'm not even a doctor or anything close to that. In case you don't fully believe that depression is very serious,

also jisse i swear i will play Hearthstone with you at least once during this week and i totally intended to do so yesterday but then i had a BAD MOJO day and i didn't feel like doing anything so please don't hate me (for that anyways) :<
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
This really pisses me off.
Depression and suicide isn't exactly a subject to joke about.
I hope you think better of me in the future, I am not Tyzi.

I wasn't directing it at you, was just pointing out that people treat it as a joke sometimes and make it into one as well
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
This really pisses me off.
Depression and suicide isn't exactly a subject to joke about.
I hope you think better of me in the future, I am not Tyzi.

chill, i have depression too but if i decide to be vulnerable that's just going to make things worse. i'm not even going to baby you on this.

i understand how you feel, to an extent. i haven't gone through what you've gone through but i've dealt with enough to be diagnosed with depression as well. my anxiety causes me to be all over the place which doesn't make it any better.

but the first step i took towards living life more happily is learning to laugh at myself and frickin' lighten up and after 6 fucking years of doubting myself in everything i do, teachers and friends ranting on about me not doing what they want, and sitting at the computer for hours on end talking to lifeless pricks through the internet, i got really sick of taking everything seriously

chill out, do something that can relax you, and seek therapy and please, do not pull the "therapy doesn't work" card because I'm sick of hearing it. i've had a therapist on and off for 5 years now and things only get rough when I don't go to see him regularly. you can't tell your friends your problems because 9/10 they're fucking assholes about it, there's nothing you can change about it and the same thing can go for your parents. my therapist listens, responds, and helps me get my life in order when i'm in a moment of despair because i can't do it on my own right now. i can accept that.


"get over yourself". and i mean that in the least rude way as i can make it. depression is so common nowadays and a large portion of society doesn't do much to make it better, let's not forget to mention that you're on the internet right now where assholes and dickheads dwell. it's up to you to make yourself feel better, it's up to you to accept the fact that you need help, and it's up to you to reach out for it.

jisse, i don't know you personally and i haven't even hung out with you that much since i made RSO shit itself, but i can tell that you're talented and a good guy. i can't say that you're too young to have existential crises because i have a few of my own at times, but don't let them consume you. life is a super shitty game without mods and bug fixes. try new things and don't let your performance phase you. i, personally, think i'm fucking TERRIBLE at painting but i still try my best to have fun while doing it.

and yes, you're not tyzi. you're not a cunt.
the goblin
Heey, sorry for the invade, seriously, but jisse, i know how u feel bro, 2015 start was really bad to me, but u are stronger than what you're suffering now, good luck. I don't know u well, but if u go i'll have no "memory" of u, our only spar that we've made i lost in my old pc (I was so noob lolol) ;-;

Thanks for reading and good luck.