Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i have a lot of replays i can post. so i might actually be updating regularly.
and yea, 1 hour replayq:
Attached Files
Kitty Kitty....rpl (145.5 KB, 68 views)
Opener was decent, not perfect due to that sudden knee movement.
The launch was pretty basic. Nothing to say there.
The double hip dms were really nice. Creative and well-executed.
The decap was, well, a decap nothing to really say about it.
Transition to the pose was nice, very noice.
replay was nice, but too weird for me.

felt like I've seen the opener many times before and, like many replays these days, it felt lazy. all in all though, the dm's were pretty nice.

I know you can do cooler stuff. 8.5/10.
the goblin