Originally Posted by Dikarika View Post
May all your turnframes be 50 and your fists always stay clenched...

Despite the situation, that gave me a lol. Why, Jsoh, whyyyyyy?
You shall be missed. May your dismemberment always be set at 1.
Originally Posted by RabidClone View Post
May your dismemberment always be set at 1.

Now that I LOL'ed at...

But still so sad.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Dood, Jsoh D: sorry to see you go :x. Good luck in your future endeavours, i hope one of them is coming back here one day.


Come check out Tb 4.0 when if you have some time over next year

Take care and good luck with everything.
Originally Posted by Dikarika View Post
May all your turnframes be 50 and your fists always stay clenched...

That was beautiful. :')