Holy shit!

i'm not one to be easily impressed but i think you've been watching rutzor lately.

someone get him in here to comment O.o

anyway i really like the way how your always doing somthing, your not waiting for uke to come to you your moving towards uke.
i probably didn't like the first kick of your madman. i was excpecting a bee Deejay BOOOM but i really just got a bang (sig that if you want)

Now on to your dancing decaps, i actually didn't mind the first 2.
now that Ive seen the last couple i really like these ones better. i just like the rutzor style of moving towards uke while dancing. now you should work on moving backwards xD

near the decap of the head juggling its just mindless irish jig style. i like that. when i try to walk i take about 3 steps and then fail.

there is some bits you can improve on, like more Dm's while dancing, but before you get into that you needa learn how to move backwards and forwads in between the parts to see if you can DM them anymore.
some other things are to make it look as SIMPLE as you can, to make it look like anyone can do it, but then deep down it is pretty hard for some people to accomplish.

overall, your doing a really good job and you have improved HEAPS.

Madman: 8/10

Dancing Decaps:10/10

keep the good job up buddy
thank alot,I love these constructive comments.
here's a replay where I do only a dance,can someone (Tempo) see if they can transform it in a decap/madman?
but there's not only that,the best dance I've done and another replay do in boredom.
anyway,noomy and other who said me,yeh I was inspired by rutzor,but then I came out with a totally different dance,and no,I think he wont come,too busy,but I would appreciate a comment of some other great dancer (Moop)
Attached Files
000A-the drill dance.rpl (76.1 KB, 14 views)
000A-drunken dance.rpl (140.1 KB, 14 views)
000A-burning floor.rpl (174.5 KB, 11 views)
Your dancacaps are getting better. Try to do small combos while dancing. Its the next stage of the dancing, I guess. Dont care about which joint you're dismembering. 8/10 for the first two. The last one that is getting a 7/10. You so close of getting a perfect many DM replay but you avoided it.

Also, which one shall I edit?
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Okay, here you go. I couldnt really do a madman without making it with crappy grabhits and stuff so I made this. Its not a madman but it is an edit. I love the end but its a fail pose. I hope you like it Kingdrake
Last edited by Tempo; Feb 25, 2010 at 08:29 PM.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
tempo,I love it,the style is alot similiar to mine very nice,keep it as yours,really ;)

meh,this is for teach you to not challenge me xD you wanted a madman,ok,this is burning floor edited:
Attached Files
000A-touch it.rpl (196.8 KB, 14 views)
yeah that was nice.

i think you should start trying to walk in between body parts you dme'd and dm them MORE

for this obviously you need increase your frames but anyway,

overall igive it a 7/10 because of the hand decap, i think kick decaps look better
ehmmm actually it wasn't a grab decap...anyway you're voting only the last,you haven't seen the other ;)^^^
I liked it but in the end you DMd with a grab :/

And it also took you a while to actually impact uke. Not good. It needs improvement, you need to attack before he licks the floor, okay? 7/10
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
sooo...what can i are gettin better and beter.
ps you are realy burnin the floor xD
my legs are sharp hands are steel head is useless ball :D