tried making the movement more interesting, probably wasnt a good idea lmao
and thanks for the cnc sslight :^)
Attached Files
i'm still breathing
Attached Files
madman vanishing.rpl (455.5 KB, 18 views)
madman triple kick.rpl (450.1 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by Loige; Jun 28, 2019 at 03:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
a new replay in the mega cringe thread >x<
helloi had this replay sitting unfinished in my hd for years, it was one of those replays you accept you're never gonna finish, you know?
its not good or anything, it just felt very poetic for me to actually prove myself wrong and finish it and then post it idk
its like i'm saying "fuck you" to old me whod always think i wasnt good enough to finish my replays
i gotta break this sense i have that the world will only accept perfection from me, this has held me back all my life and i hate it
Attached Files
madman gucci gang .rpl (426.2 KB, 15 views)
Wow bro pretty cool replay! I like how you twirled uke around with your legs and you set yourself up nicely for that following kick. Really clean hits and booms too. Keep finishing your replays because that's the only way you'll really improve and be able to look back to see how far you've come.