Basically, best go along like this:
white > blackbelt > 10th dan > master > custom > god > one > elite

For me, my goal is this :
-custom belt (rainbow)
-get up to 1kk tc.
-have around 3k posts on the forum.

The only ingame wise thing there though is rainbow belt, want want want
i just realized something theres is going to be elite belts and such all you need to do is buy qi man im hating tb right now
I think it inst possible to get Elite whitout buying QI because there are to many games to play till you get it.

If jepoy wouldnt stop his rush i think he would be nearly there i mean he already has 53069
Last edited by affei; May 23, 2010 at 08:44 AM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Thread is probably more suited to RT rather than discussion. Moved.

For me, Toribash is more of a social thing rather than a competition to win. So yeah it's not possible for me to beat it. edit: lol

10th Dan Black Belt -> 10 000 - 14 999 Qi
Master Belt -> 15 000 - 19 999 Qi
Custom Belt -> 20 000 - 49 999 Qi
God Belt -> 50 000 - 99 999 Qi
One Belt -> 100 000 - 999 999 Qi
Elite Belt -> 1 000 000 - 3 400 000 somethingsomething Qi
White Belt -> 3 400 000 somethingsomething (resets when you reach that certain amount - 19 Qi
Yellow Belt -> 20 - 49 Qi
etc. etc.

One Belt is 100k Qi, not 1kk.
There's no Two Belt, it's Elite Belt and it requires 1kk.

Also, you have to beat him.


Originally Posted by affei View Post
Qi Glitch?

What happend there?

Once upon a time when the circle dojo was created (there used to be only a square dojo back in the days), hampa decided to test it in a public server.
I think the mod was Aikido.
Well, later it was revealed that the server gave ~8k Qi after every match by a bug.
Some smart people decided to farm there (JePoY), getting God Belts and One Belts at ease.
still nobody got to Elite Belt. Tells you how impossible it is to get it, am I right?
And because people got 10th Dan Black Belts, Master Belts and Custom Belts, people bought Pure, Elf and Demon (Void and Alpha Imperial didn't exist back then). And that time Pure and Elf cost like 1 - 3k TC, so it didn't really require a lot to get them. Two matches at max.
After a long while the Qis were reverted back and most of the items were taken from people, but still some people managed to have the high-Qi items.
And they could use them because they were already in their inventories.

I think there was other Qi glitches, but I can't remember them. That one was a major one, though.


...I still say that I saw Veteran Belt. And X Belt.
Last edited by Tonakai; May 23, 2010 at 10:35 AM.
lol @ your link xD

Reset will never happen noone will beat this game.. 1millon wins that like you start the game completely new .
Last edited by affei; May 23, 2010 at 10:22 AM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Originally Posted by TehCaek View Post
Two Belt has been there from the start.

One belt> Elite belt.
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