Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
Originally Posted by GeneralStoner
Actually the SDK *Development Kit* For the Wii is only $2000.00... Pricey at first, but actually very cheap if compared to others *30000 - 50000 for the ps3 * So, it actually wouldn't take to many sales for Hampa to turn a profit.

Since the Wii-Mote can be used as a mouse of sorts, he would only have to really port the game over... Finally, having that liscense and new found profit from such an AWESOME game he could maybe even begin development on a new AWESOME game...

The Wii is designed for everyone, consumers and developers

Where did you learn that the SDK is 2000 dollars? Any inkling of what the language is? Dont have 2k, but it would be interesting to know...
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
and how would you do things like contact knees and stuff? you could only do SOME of the movements you do in toribash.

it would be cool if you could click on yourself
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
The best way to do this would be for the wiimote to act as a mouse. Using the motion censors will not work because you can't move your feet or elbows or chest. This is also highly unlikely. Nice try though :P

Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
WII not on ps2 w/ eyetoy (emphasis on the WII)
"We need to cook."
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
Originally Posted by RbLcK
The best way to do this would be for the wiimote to act as a mouse. Using the motion censors will not work because you can't move your feet or elbows or chest. This is also highly unlikely. Nice try though :P

does that mean i can click on myself?
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
Originally Posted by slainveteran
Its quite hard to get hold of a development version of a console. They tend to only be available to large development companies as they cost a large amount of money. This is because they will run any program/game which you put on it as it has no DRM or copying protection.

You then need to go through the right channels (Nintendo, etc) to have your game made so it will play on a normal Wii (DRM and protection added).

Basically, it is a lot of money. If you dont sell units to the point of 50'000 or more, I believe you make a loss. This is not a problem for big companies because they are going to use the development consoles for more than one game.

Not always, have you heard of Fl0w going to PS3?
And line rider to Wii?

Those are just silly flash games, really, made for no-profit to begin with.
What what? In the butt.
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
this is really old and done with

but they did a version of albatross18 that was on the computer on the wii so hey who knows.
*Lurking about*
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
seriously, whats the point? everyone asks for these kind of games on the PSP and Wii and shit, and there is no point. What will you gain from using a controller instead of a mouse, if you've got access to this forum, then you have a computer, which means you can play toribash, so all i can say is:

There is no point.
Re: hey hampa: toribash on Wii? or would it be too dangerous
Simple. Marketing. More chance of people finding Toribash at the game store, than just hearing about it from a friend or finding it on some review site.
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod