OMG!!! im gonna die
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
ok i have a problem... it seems a certain nosy person likes giving his 2 cents worth in everything i try to do...well this person is getting on all my friends nerves and id like to know what is best to make this person stop. btw physical contact is an impossibilty
Two things that hurt like hell but seems to soothe canker sores:

Salt(directly applied, then washed off. Periodically gargle with saline solution)


1-2 tablespoons of antacid mixed with ½ tablespoon of Benadryl... Swish and spit

Or it could be herpes... dunno... I can't help with that one
Nothing wrong about getting face to face. Tell him up a storm, at this point, taking the high road may just egg him/her on more.
Set a knife Ready,and gastrate him.
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
My issue...

My first real GF, who I really like, might be forced to move back to Taiwan, and as it is she isn't even allowed to have a BF. So I can't see her without making some weird excuses, except for a weekly meet up...

I don't know what to do hey, I know it would be for the best to move on, but I really do like her..and long distance isn't really what I'm looking for in a relationship..
A Man Of The World...
Just let fait do er' work. If that doesnt work ( Doesnt for me, i sit around and i don't get my damn millions) Try to move on. Relationships suck. Face it. Just play the damn field, and find a new one. Just remember that you guys are still [Young? I hope] And you will find someone else in your life.

If that doesnt work, well...Is thier a bridge near your house?

I have a problem with girls too. They just use me for sexy danceprty and leaf me D; But i did get used one time, it sucked because i had a crush on here for a couple years D; I think it was pitty.....