oh...ramenlover is in
He knows how tu use magic wand.. he got skills with poses..better than me =D

and he is very good with placements (where to put the "magic wanded" tori in another piture)

and TheSev

I'm not pro so i agree with BenDover
So we dont let ONLY the pros
But the decent guys too (the guys whom we think is good enough)
I was bored, so i opened GIMP and maked this one :P.

If you are under 18 don't look at it etc blablabalaaa:

Edit: censored :P.
Last edited by Kamil077; Sep 15, 2008 at 06:13 PM.
kamil i think if u didnt remove that photo u will get suspended ^^ .

@ ben : no i mean ppl that know how to use , like is saintowar like u , no he is not , saintowar dosent know how to use GIMP or photoshop , but u know little that's enough , ok ok let me say last time " we will let any one that knows how to use GIMP and Photoshop to Edit photo's (even if they know little about it " that's the thing that i mean .
Originally Posted by saintowar View Post
I cant find magic wand! D:tell me where it is.In file?in the main part where all the tools are?(I tryed there)

Lol, It's the 'Fuzzy select Tool'

Top row, 2nd from the right.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you