Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Lol. Such a Pathetic Child.

I agree, I wish mandatory classes would teach better things for life, like say, how to pay taxes, or how to pay for a house. There are some classes for that, but aren't very well known in High School.

Why does it have to be a mandatory class? There are people who want to take the class, and those who don't. Some people may already know how to pay taxes and take care of a child. So what's the point of forcing it on students, even though some of them might not be interested in the class. An alternative would be to provide it as an elective.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
America's problems through their education system is that its a bureaucratic system. It lacks personality and preference. You only get "choices" around high school level, and even then it is limited. Over all the public school system is repetitive and boring.

They make standards everyone has to meet, with the exception of special needs children, and if you don't meet there standards there is something wrong with you. Nothing wrong with the educational system, you are the problem. So they hammer the information into you more and more until you meet there standards. Which really is only set so they can get a letter grade (Schools are graded too, mine was given a "C" and the state required that teachers verbally tell you what you should be learning on that day. Kinda makes me feel like the state is calling us stupid.) and make more tax money.

But then, as I've seen happen to countless people, those standards you had to meet become useless. In one way or another. Because once you pick your profession, you focus on the requirements for that profession. So really it boils down to the fact that school prior to college is used for the slight chance that you will get some information you will use in your multitude of jobs or whatever. The most useful part of schools are probably the hidden curriculum, but even that is rather bias.

My point
Schools shouldn't have all these standards for learning. We need more choices that will better fit the requirement for the profession we want. "But wait, what if I change my mind?" Do what everyone else does and change your classes?

What should schools be teaching? What you and an individual want to learn. We need a larger choice system in our school systems. Because, as of right now, what I want to do with my life and a profession, my school teaches the bare basics if even that. I signed of for "Advance computer Technology" and got "Fucking around in google docs for 18 weeks." So many spreadsheets....
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
What should schools be teaching? What you and an individual want to learn. We need a larger choice system in our school systems. Because, as of right now, what I want to do with my life and a profession, my school teaches the bare basics if even that. I signed of for "Advance computer Technology" and got "Fucking around in google docs for 18 weeks." So many spreadsheets....

Giving people too much choice in what they want to learn instead of what they should learn isn't the way to go. It's not about choice, it's about getting the knowledge required to become a decent human being. We just need to provide more elective classes in middle school and high school that cater to the students needs. And I will agree, all computer related classes are piss poor. "Let's program in basic JavaScript for 4 weeks"
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Giving people too much choice in what they want to learn instead of what they should learn isn't the way to go. It's not about choice, it's about getting the knowledge required to become a decent human being. We just need to provide more elective classes in middle school and high school that cater to the students needs. And I will agree, all computer related classes are piss poor. "Let's program in basic JavaScript for 4 weeks"

I never said they should have complete choice in everything. Just the current amount of choice is very very shit. "Decent human being" is a bit too opinionated to be put into action. We are (supposedly) taught social skills and norms through the hidden curriculum. So that's already applied. What do you mean by decent human being?
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Why does it have to be a mandatory class? There are people who want to take the class, and those who don't. Some people may already know how to pay taxes and take care of a child. So what's the point of forcing it on students, even though some of them might not be interested in the class. An alternative would be to provide it as an elective.

Most teenagers don't know how to pay taxes, and sure as hell don't know how to care for a child. If they already know, great! It's just extra practice. Why do some people excel in some classes? Because they understand it better than some. Some (meaning most) won't know how to do these things.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Most teenagers don't know how to pay taxes, and sure as hell don't know how to care for a child. If they already know, great! It's just extra practice. Why do some people excel in some classes? Because they understand it better than some. Some (meaning most) won't know how to do these things.

The majority of the population don't do their own taxes, or do it on a computer with a program like turbo tax. Doing it on a computer is really stupid easy. So that is not that large of a problem, it's just something kids freak out about.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Schools shouldn't have all these standards for learning. We need more choices that will better fit the requirement for the profession we want. "But wait, what if I change my mind?" Do what everyone else does and change your classes?

What should schools be teaching? What you and an individual want to learn. We need a larger choice system in our school systems. Because, as of right now, what I want to do with my life and a profession, my school teaches the bare basics if even that. I signed of for "Advance computer Technology" and got "Fucking around in google docs for 18 weeks." So many spreadsheets....

You are so right, schools need to stop assuming that students don't know where they want to head in life and support them in learning whatever interests them.

Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Giving people too much choice in what they want to learn instead of what they should learn isn't the way to go.

Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
too much choice

Are you kidding?
It's that sort of attitude that has students sitting through shitty classes, learning absolutely nothing when they could be doing something useful with their time(even if it is something stupid like art class or drama, it's better than sleeping through classes)
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I never said they should have complete choice in everything. Just the current amount of choice is very very shit. "Decent human being" is a bit too opinionated to be put into action. We are (supposedly) taught social skills and norms through the hidden curriculum. So that's already applied. What do you mean by decent human being?

Let me elaborate. In order to become a decent human being in my life you should be able to provide something useful to society. If you do not have some of the basic skills in order to function in the real world, then you aren't useful to society (unless you consider smoking blow and partying useful).
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
You are so right, schools need to stop assuming that students don't know where they want to head in life and support them in learning whatever interests them.

Are you kidding?
It's that sort of attitude that has students sitting through shitty classes, learning absolutely nothing when they could be doing something useful with their time(even if it is something stupid like art class or drama, it's better than sleeping through classes)

Saying that a class is shitty is something that is entirely opinionated. Each of the standards classes such as history or mathematics are entirely necessary. Mathematics enforces problem solving and history provides information on past societies and events that you as a citizen should know. If you didn't pay attention in math society should not compensate for your lack of interest in standard classes by giving you alternatives. They should instead provide a real incentive for excelling in those classes. Schools lack a real incentive for getting good grades (minus the fact that GPA matters when it comes to applying for colleges, but a lot of students disregard this). This should become a priority for schools, not giving students alternatives that they prefer. Note: I am not saying we get rid of electives. Some choice is needed.
Last edited by Valterain1; Jun 17, 2015 at 06:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Let be elaborate. In order to become a decent human being in my life you should be able to provide something useful to society. If you do not have some of the basic skills in order to function in the real world, then you aren't useful to society (unless you consider smoking blow and partying useful).

Almost every job is considered being useful to society. Working at McDonald's is being useful to society, the only way you can not be useful, is by doing nothing.

Furthermore, so you are saying handicapped people are not decent? One who does not have the ability to work by birth is at a lower standard?

Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Saying that a class is shitty is something that is entirely opinionated. Each of the standards classes such as history or mathematics are entirely necessary. Mathematics enforces problem solving and history provides information on past societies and events that you as a citizen should know.(1) If you didn't pay attention in math society should not compensate for your lack of interest in standard classes by giving you alternatives.(2) They should instead provide a real incentive for excelling in those classes. Schools lack a real incentive for getting good grades(3) (minus the fact that GPA matters when it comes to applying for colleges, but a lot of students disregard this). This should become a priority for schools, not giving students alternatives that they prefer. Note: I am not saying we get rid of electives. Some choice is needed.

1) That opinionated, which kinda contradicts you're counting that as necessity.

2) No, they should give you alternatives, standardizing courses neglects kids that are not as compatible as the rest. If we didn't have standards, bully rates for bad grades would probably go down, and the academic level of America would probably go up. Seeing as people would be more comfortable in their classes and willing to learn said subject.

3) This is dependent on where you go, my school and great rewards for grades. One of them even includes a trip to Chicago for a day. This would probably be bad to make a standard though. I sure as shit wouldn't try better at a subject I struggle with just because I get some reward.

Alternatives to the basic classes are something that should be implemented. Even if it's another form of Math that the student feels more comfortable with. When it boils down to it, not everyone learns at the same pace, and not everyone is compatible with the same subjects. They should NOT be punished and ridiculed because of this.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Jun 17, 2015 at 06:37 AM.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Alternatives to the basic classes are something that should be implemented. Even if it's another form of Math that the student feels more comfortable with. When it boils down to it, not everyone learns at the same pace, and not everyone is compatible with the same subjects. They should NOT be punished and ridiculed because of this.

You are then suggesting they we allow students to choose the more or less challenging math class for them? I will agree with you on that, but if we do not push students forward enough and provide them challenges then they will expect that throughout life. Also, if anything, students are ridiculed more for being in less advanced classes rather then having poor grades in an advanced class.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.