Originally Posted by Banned View Post
But I'm sure your friends insanely busy life doesn't have any downtime that could be spent on physical activity. Heaven forbid she/he goes out and plays with her kids? Maybe a little tag, kickball, bike rides? I'm sure her kids would actually enjoy having a parent that doesn't sit on the porch keeping an eye on them the whole time they play outside. Wake up an hour early for a morning jog? Out of the question I'm sure that would involve going to sleep a little earlier, and if they did that how would the spend all night in front of the TV?

I like how you suddenly started assuming I was talking about a friend. Where do I mention any of my friends? Oh, my friends don't do sports? Thanks for telling me. They watch TV during the night? Wow! Thank you for your valuable information. I'll be sure to bring their bad habits up next time I see them.

To the point now: so you think healthy food is cheaper than McDonalds? For so far my assumption that you knew anything about anything. You can get a McDonalds burger for 99 dollarcents. You can eat dirt cheap fast food. Why would you eat healthy food that takes knowledge, time to prepare, effort, ... if you can get delicious, fatty fastfood for a fraction of the price? Especially if you live in relative poverty the decision is quickly made.

As I said, your weight depends on your metabolism.
f=m*a syens
arglax, if you are taking in more calories than you burn, you will become fat. if you eat too much, you will become fat. metabolism affects how you gain weight waaaay less than you think. peoples' metabolisms generally only differ by about ten per cent

i have a disorder called "supraventricular tachycardia" which makes my heart beat way faster than it should, and my metabolism is only slightly faster by maybe 10-15 per cent.
keep in mind that this is a serious medical disorder that could potentially kill me (but i'm not stupid, so it wont)

Originally Posted by dupbuck View Post
Unless you are fat because of a true medical disorder,

nobody is fat because of a medical disorder. any disorder can only add about 10 pounds, and most of that is water weight

if a fat person tells you that, they are lying. besides, since when do fat activists know anything about the human body?
Last edited by boStaff; Aug 12, 2013 at 01:56 AM.
shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
arglax, if you are taking in more calories than you burn, you will become fat. if you eat too much, you will become fat.

Correct. Where did I state otherwise? If you are taking in calories, you have to either lose them or they will turn into fat as a way of storage. It's the taking in where people differ. Your body won't "absorb" (bad term, just to illustrate) everything that goes in it. Some of it comes back out as waste. With some people, everything is waste. With some, there are still nutrients in the stool. That's where people differ.
f=m*a syens
Read please. That was obviously a response to Thellian's post. Lets keep up on a the discussion there is more than just me and you, apologizes for not quoting him too. I thought peoples comprehension skills were higher.

Ok well we will start with 99 "dollarcent" hamburgers. If that is all you're allowing for your budget to eat, and you're not homeless, you're an idiot. Put that on top of the pile of poor lifestyle choices made by fat people. Also if you only have 1 a meal for all 3 meals of the day(Don't start a new argument about 5 meals a day and all that bullshit). Chances are with that 1300~(Based on .99 mcdoubles with cheese) calories you ate you're probably not gaining weight anytime soon. Oh but of course that's not filling, so lets say you eat 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, 2 for dinner, we are up to roughly $7, we wont even factor in the fact you haven't bought a drink, ever. So you're up too 3000~ calories, its bad, but not insanely bad for eating nothing but .99 fast food. You also spent about $50. Should I open up a page on walmart and see what you can get for one person on $50 dollars week?

The only other problem I have with your statement is you said Mcdonalds is delicious. Nope.jpeg

And yes weight loss is dependent on your metabolism, but luckily for every person they can create a diet and exercise plan that will help with any problems you have, and check this out, you can actually increase your metabolism over time through proper diet and exercise *gasp*
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Read please. That was obviously a response to Thellian's post. Lets keep up on a the discussion there is more than just me and you, apologizes for not quoting him too. I thought peoples comprehension skills were higher.

What I was thinking when I read this: "hey... hey... yea... err... i quoted you and then put some text under it... OBVIOUSLY it wasn't in reply to you. yea well you're an idiot for not getting it LOL i thought ppl were smarter."

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Ok well we will start with 99 "dollarcent" hamburgers. If that is all you're allowing for your budget to eat, and you're not homeless, you're an idiot. Put that on top of the pile of poor lifestyle choices made by fat people. Also if you only have 1 a meal for all 3 meals of the day(Don't start a new argument about 5 meals a day and all that bullshit). Chances are with that 1300~(Based on .99 mcdoubles with cheese) calories you ate you're probably not gaining weight anytime soon. Oh but of course that's not filling, so lets say you eat 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, 2 for dinner, we are up to roughly $7, we wont even factor in the fact you haven't bought a drink, ever. So you're up too 3000~ calories, its bad, but not insanely bad for eating nothing but .99 fast food. You also spent about $50. Should I open up a page on walmart and see what you can get for one person on $50 dollars week?

You're not getting it. For the money you pay at a hamburger chain you get your food ready to go. Calculate in time, gas & electricity for going to the store, buying your food, preserving it in the fridge, cooking it, doing the dishes. Do you understand what life is about? The price you pay in walmart for the ingredients isn't the price what you pay for the food.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
And yes weight loss is dependent on your metabolism, but luckily for every person they can create a diet and exercise plan that will help with any problems you have,

Diets? Are you talking about crash diets? Those are harmful to your system, no doctor would recommend those. Good diets? Those cost money and most of all, time. Not everyone has that. Especially not if you are, in fact, fat because of poverty.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
and check this out, you can actually increase your metabolism over time through proper diet and exercise *gasp*

"Increasing" the metabolism (vague and shady term there) would actually be worse for the obese people.
f=m*a syens

That is a good read.

Redundant Moderated Message:
Huge wall of text about fitness. Please explain how it contributes to your point of view. Don't just throw sources out there.
Last edited by Redundant; Aug 12, 2013 at 02:24 AM.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post

That is a good read.

That's not how a discussion works. You can't expect me to read a 30 page work on fitness. You make a statement and then you point out where your source (in this case a fitness your liamrosen site, of which the validity can be disputed) backs up your statement.

*edit: Just read a bit of it.
Originally Posted by Liam Rosen
Food determines how big you are. If you consume more calories than you expend, you will get bigger. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you will get smaller.

Wrong. Not all consumed calories are metabolised.
Last edited by Arglax; Aug 12, 2013 at 02:28 AM.
f=m*a syens
Right because, oatmeal, super expensive, costs $300 to make. Iceburg lettuce, sorry people can't afford to run water over it before they put it in a bowl, I guess just risk not rinsing it I guess. I guess not having a fridge is a valid argument. But if you do have a fridge I don't know a lot of people who shut it off when they don't have food in there. Oh the time it takes to prepare food could be spent watching MLP right? If you are so poor that you can't afford the electricity/gas to cook food you have bigger problems then just being a lard ass.

Crash diets, because that was ever brought up. A decent diet isn't as expensive as you think. But if you're meal budget only accounts for fast food, and you keep it under $50 a week then you're in more trouble then just being fat. Already said it.

Oh yeah because increasing your metabolism is bad. Right? Because as we all know its just going to spike while you're still a hambeast and it will be super unhealthy, its not going to gradually increase while you shed your KFC weight.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Right because, oatmeal, super expensive, costs $300 to make. Iceburg lettuce, sorry people can't afford to run water over it before they put it in a bowl, I guess just risk not rinsing it I guess. I guess not having a fridge is a valid argument. But if you do have a fridge I don't know a lot of people who shut it off when they don't have food in there. Oh the time it takes to prepare food could be spent watching MLP right? If you are so poor that you can't afford the electricity/gas to cook food you have bigger problems then just being a lard ass.

Tell me you're kidding here. I was suspecting it already, but it does indeed turn out that you know near nothing about metabolism, homeostasis or anything nutritions. You've proven it now by trying to assert that people can survive on oatmeal and "iceburg" [sic] lettuce. Those contain nearly no nutritions at all. Oatmeal contains a lot of complex carbs, but fibers for the rest. Iceberg lettuce is near pure water.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Crash diets, because that was ever brought up. A decent diet isn't as expensive as you think. But if you're meal budget only accounts for fast food, and you keep it under $50 a week then you're in more trouble then just being fat. Already said it.

Prove to me that someone who works minimum wage+2 dollars/hour can follow a good, academically recognised diet. They're going to have to sacrifice most of their social lives if they want to do it.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Oh yeah because increasing your metabolism is bad. Right? Because as we all know its just going to spike while you're still a hambeast and it will be super unhealthy, its not going to gradually increase while you shed your KFC weight.

No idea what this is supposed to mean. Metabolism is a name for all the biochemical processes going around in your body. Usually, in this kind of topic, it refers to the process of splitting glucose and O2 into H2O and CO2 to oxidise ADP into ATP. (oxidative cellular respiration).
Last edited by Arglax; Aug 12, 2013 at 02:44 AM.
f=m*a syens
That's not how a discussion works. You can't expect me to read a 30 page work on fitness. You make a statement and then you point out where your source (in this case a fitness your liamrosen site, of which the validity can be disputed) backs up your statement.

He has plenty of links to citations in his guide. I guess you can dispute it if you want.

I was just throwing out some healthy, cheap alternatives, for the fatty food choices people make. Social life when you can't pay for groceries? How old are you exactly? I'm going to assume you still live with mom and dad.

You must be a licensed nutritionist. Or a google expert. I will concede my argument and continue to be at the peak of my physical performance, and I will continue to fat shame people. All you have done is made excuses to why they can't lose weight, I'd say not a single one of your arguments is valid. But to be quite frank I don't feel like debating "Well someone somewhere can't lose weight because of "blank" "Hypothetically if he doesn't have the money to buy groceries, hes going to be fat due to lack of budgeting skill".