Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Market Squad Recruitment Drive
Market Squad Recruitment
As of now, the Market Squad is currently looking to pick up fresh meat.

The life of a squid is a simple one; all you have to do is moderate the Market section of the forums, as well as to investigate cases of scam that are posted in Scam Reports. Easy enough, right?

What specifically will I be doing?

The Market Squad are a group of forum moderators that specialize in the general regulation of the market forums and solving scam reports; they also play relevant role in most market-related policy discussion. Your general work consists of handling active scam reports, moderating the entirety of the Market board and handling Market-related reports.

Be aware that the position may require a fair portion of your time, as the Market section is a big part of the forum and has a whole list of rules you'll need to enforce.
There's no particular application format. However, we expect you to inform about your activity level on a daily basis and your GMT.

Tips? We don't have any, but DARGON DOES!

Where do I send my application?



If you have any general questions, please post them in this thread. A Market Squad member or a staff member that works relatively closely with the Market Squad will make sure to answer your question.
Last edited by Creati0n; Sep 23, 2017 at 06:36 PM.
Originally Posted by Flame View Post
If you do something that has good impact ingame or around the forums you going to get a aprreciation token (if you are staff). No one really knows what they are used for though/

Maybe it is used to mark well-behaved staff members for future reference?
What Appreciation Tokens are used for are entirely irrelevant to this recruitment drive; please keep speculation out of this thread please. If you're interested, you're welcome to make a thread in Rapid Threads asking about them.

Originally Posted by Mani View Post
do i get paid in any type of way

There's an incentives system, but those details are left out of this thread. If you're applying for the position solely to get incentives, this position isn't for you - the incentives aren't anything to bask over as this a volunteer staff position.
how come there's a drive? 6 people seems like a decent amount to me, unless scam reports aren't getting done or something
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
how come there's a drive? 6 people seems like a decent amount to me, unless scam reports aren't getting done or something

The Market Squad came to the general consensus that we'd like to pick up a couple new trainees - a recruitment drive fits the bill.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
There could be if one called blue applied and got accepted

Your name would be green though, but it would also be blue.

damn, what a paradox

sounds like it was never ending, once it started.

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Originally Posted by BlueEvil View Post
damn, what a paradox

sounds like it was never ending, once it started.

You could apply for both Super Moderator and Market Squad. Though the work is likely a bit tedious, you would have your blue name as you desire, while still being Market Squid.

(I think SMod Color trumps MS Color on the Hierarchy.)
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
I have many questions.
Do you have to have lots of experience with Toribash?
Estimate how long I'm supposed to be on.
Do i have to be on the forum all the time?

Im sorry, I just joined how many days ago..
First off if you just joined a couple days ago
Staff may not be a position for you
But to answer your questions you have to be active.
Period on forums or wherever you are needed.
Last edited by Samurai; Sep 12, 2017 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Because I cam off as rude :^)
Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
First off if you just joined a couple days ago
You definitely are not cut out for any staff position

there's still no harm in applying