Hehe, not sure if I'm aloud to have an opinion yet but oh wells :D

Hey, I just met you,
And you seem so cooooooooool,
But I viewed your past,
And it's a NOOOooo!

I'm not really that mean but those seemed to be the only lyrics that worked :O
Ok now about your past. What's the deal? You remind me of my dad, jumping from one girlfriend to another.....except with clans!
I'm willing to Change my vote but convince me that this clan will be different than the rest :3 Oh and we're inactive as hell, I know you have issues with that!
Last edited by BlackRozez; Jun 11, 2012 at 01:17 PM.
Haha, the lyrics did work nicely ;).

Also, yes, I did hop clans a lot. If I knew why, I would tell you. Mainly, I have just been looking for a clan I would fit in, that wasn't a bunch on in-mature people. This clan, on the other hand, seems like it is filled with people who can maintain maturity and can be cool. For me, that's the perfect place to be, sometimes it's better to meet new people.

If you still do not believe me, I understand, but thank you for taking the time to read my post.
~ .....Want to become a Market Squid? PM me an application!.....~
~ .....Market Squad..... | .....Administrator.....~
~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~
Hi athin, thanks for applying.
I'm very sorry to hear about whats been going on in your life, i really hope your life takes a turn for the better. I'd also really like to hear more about your likes/dislikes, maybe your hobbies, and what kind of music you like though. That would help a lot in judging your compatibility with the [f] family.

▲ ▲
Originally Posted by Athin View Post
1. Name: Chandler

2. Age: 13

3. GMT: -5 (Eastern USA)

4. Paragraph describing yourself: I am a young, and supposedly intelligent kid. I love to participate in athletics, and am usually always up for a challenge. I also enjoy chilling with friends. As for family, not so much. Let's start at the beginning, I heard it's good to start there. Well, until age 10, I never met my dad. My dad decided to Not meet me because he didn't want to be with my mom anymore. After I met my dad, I. Thought he was a cool guy. Well, not even a year after I met my dad, during a custody battle for me, he married my 4th grade teacher. Before the custody battle, my mom and dad got along pretty good. Well, after marrying my 4th grade teacher (she has an 8-year-old daughter that's a total diva), everything took a turn for the worse. My step-mom tried to control everything. So my dad would get angry because there was so much stress. He would throw things at me, and call me horrible names daily. Honestly, it only hurt so much because I barely know the guy yet! Sorry, I know I'm jumping around here. At my mom's house, it's not the best place. Mostly because she moved 6 times the year all this occurred. Anyway, 1 day, not too long ago, I decided I have had enough. I ran away, which was not a great idea. Well, after they found me, they took me back home. When I got home, my dad had enough and he got mad and lunged at me. I, in absolute terror, tried to run the other way. He caught me and shoved me to the ground and calls me names that were horrendous. My mom and grandma were angry so they moved me to california, to live with my grandma. Because of all this stress going on, I got depressed. From depression, I became amazingly negative and have had thoughts of suicide. Not the average kid, eh? ;)

5. Other online games you play: On Steam I occasionally play DCUO.

Thank you.

dammit you were meant to apply not make me feel sad ;;
but yeah, add some more info into yo application and we'll consider it!
Why did you think telling a story about how sad your life is/was will help you get into Fr3styL?
Apathy is the worst motive to base decisions on.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by Nate456 View Post
Hi athin, thanks for applying.
I'm very sorry to hear about whats been going on in your life, i really hope your life takes a turn for the better. I'd also really like to hear more about your likes/dislikes, maybe your hobbies, and what kind of music you like though. That would help a lot in judging your compatibility with the [f] family.

Hmm, well I like doing things that will help me in the future, like online classes, etc. But, I do dislike too much work, because I tend to get lazy, but eventually I get it done. Let's see, music, I like just about anything really. I just like to enjoy having something playing.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Why did you think telling a story about how sad your life is/was will help you get into Fr3styL?
Apathy is the worst motive to base decisions on.

I agree, it is. But, I was just including my life story for you all to get to know me better. Like I said in the last line, I have mood swings, and if you didn't know that, you would think I was weird and bi-polar. And eventually, you'll ask why and I'll tell you my life story, so might as well get it out of the way now(;.

Thank you, everyone.
~ .....Want to become a Market Squid? PM me an application!.....~
~ .....Market Squad..... | .....Administrator.....~
~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~
1. Name:Michael
2. Age: 17
3. GMT: -7
4. Paragraph describing yourself: Well, I am an on-going person. I like playing games with my friends and family.

Uhm, my hobbies are playing toribash and taking kids to the park to play soccer. I feel like I am doing something nice for these kids kids by keeping them off the streets.

I have been playing soccer for almost 13 years now. I had to stop for a year do to an acl injury and now that I am back I am trying to become better then I was before the injury.

I think I am a very funny person, sometimes. I like to make jokes and mess with people. I can be serious when needed. I am also quite active on this forum and in-game so soon I will be black belt and what not.

I am not a qi buyer, I will never do so. In my opinion qi buyers are lazy and kind of childish. Why not earn your way up instead of having your mom buy it for you. I just don't like how it can take a year for some one to get it but 20 seconds for some lazy little kid who doesn't want to work for anything.

^^ my opinion

5. Other online games you play: Bf3 for x-box
Tell us some more about your TB career.

When did you start, what is your favorite mod, what is your belt, do you have other talents (texturing, making videos, etc), hatred for someone, and so on, and so on.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.