Originally Posted by CharredLightning View Post
Oh,Casey,you might not want to triple post,it can get you an infraction or two.

1.Go to shop
2.go to view items
3.go into the section textures
4.Buy the texture you want.
5.click shop again.
6.Look at the account section,there should be something that says textures.Click it.
7.The texture you bought will be there with the others,but it will say "activate" rather than "purchase".Click the activate button.
8.Your browser will reload,and that same texture will have a box with the word "browse" on it.
9.If you downloaded Paint or Gimp yet,use it to make a texture following the rules(how the texture is wrapped around your tori).You make it as a flat image.
10.Once you made the flat image,Save it as a .tga.
11.if you still have the browser with the texture menu open,click the "browse" button and find the flat image you made.
12.Click the "open" button(or what yours says) and click upload.
13.Open your toribash game.
14.Press the enter button(or the T button)and say /dl (your nickname here)
15.Close the toribash game and wait for about a minute.
16.Open your toribash game again.
17.join free play to see if it's uploaded yet.If it isn't,repeat 14-16.

And Tadah!You got yourself a texture!Oh,and it's a good ideal to start with a head,and if you get about 200k,make requests from certain shops for a set.

the thing is, I got my texture for free in Fluxit's free texture shop. Whats more, i dont have the TC to buy those texture things.
Simple as that, until you can afford to buy the texture items from Torishop, you won't be able to wear your textures.
You got to buy it and it costs alot!
but u can PREVIEW them by making a new folder at- CGames\Toribash-3.8\custom\*new folder goes here*
and save the textures u wanna preview at that folder
Then in-game type /lp 0 *folder name*
/lp 0 *folder*- for tori
/lp 1 *folder*- for uke
ok, im trying to preveiw my head texture, but it simply refuses to work.

i dont have the texture-uploader-thingy that you buy from the shop, so i want to preveiw it. i typed '/dl 0 theusurper' that should've worked, rite?

it says it downloaded the textures and items for theusurper... do i have to delete my items data? like its preventing it because my items data sheet says i havent bought the thingy from the store?

im not gonna do it unless you guys say go, 'cause i dont want any catostrophic repercusions.
