Um.. Nurbs? NURBS?!?!?!?!!
I suck at C4D...
Well, i guess im back to Cheetah3D then ^-^
*baseball bat to monitor*
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
yea I helped him over team-viewer :>
knew where it was, just from muscle memory, didn't remember where it was in words
Former Item Forger
WtF? i cannot use my c4d!
when i move something its just selection like on desktop
when u cick empty space and drag same with c4d O_O
So i fixed my laptop and reinstalled my C4D.

Now i'm trying to make my robot and seriously having problems.

can you post some general tips and tricks on how to model it?
And what is Omni Light?

How can i make a kind of toriworld(White) background. Like what Nasuke Used with his Robot render?

I am sseriously screwed
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
You can download my scene from resources.
And there are no tricks, you just need to have a concept in your mind and then you manipulate the stock objects into shapes you can use.
For example my robot is full of spheres, torus and capsules with bulge