oblivion, when you jsut went up 5 levels without saving
Fr_Death - Metal Gods
Left 4 Dead 2 FTW!
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
I was winning in HoN then it crashed. The next thing I know it, we were losing like hell.

When you're doing a no-save run and it crashes just before the last boss.

Originally Posted by Hav0c View Post
Oblivion, when u go up 30 levels, remembering to save then hard drive explodes O.o

Yeah, and then you realise that levelling oblivion is actually counter productive...?
Originally Posted by BlackDemon View Post
i playd GT4 on my ps2 i tryd and tryd but cant win and finaly when i was abouth to win last lap i can c the finish line and boom no power

you mean GTA 4 in ps2?

is that even possible?
In Oblivion I was doing the thieves guild and I had just gotten back to the gray fox with the boots of springheel jack when the game crashed =\
I had to start back at the beginning of the church with blind monks mission 2 hrs back
Going Hardcore through Baldur's Gate 2 (i.e. absolutely no reloading of any form allowed) and getting killed by Amellisan on the very last fucking battle.
Power goes out when you're doing a system update on your PS3.

It specifically says "do not turn off power during this update or you may not be able to restart"

It didn't restart.
New PS3, get.
Yeah, and then you realise that levelling oblivion is actually counter productive...?

yh lol, everyoe suddenly becomes beef, and THATS the worst moment in gaming
