Originally Posted by bloobing2 View Post
Wiirus. You need to stop. Just leave. Just Go. You are too good to be working here. Just leave.


Actually, you're right.
But I'm learning.

I bow down to Nasuke who taught me that:

DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
This is a quick go at it (~10-15 mins modelling).I will add more detail to it as well as applying correct materials/textures tomorrow.

Proud member of [Pandora]
great use of the array tool vladvlad.

wiirus: very nice, the randomness comes together to create patterns in the end, that are very pleasing to the eye.

great eye-candy guys!
Former Item Forger
deridor, can you get on msn plz

also, here is a WIP of my entry

I need ideas =(
Last edited by Deridor; Apr 19, 2010 at 01:32 AM.
theres a lot of unabashedly SHINY renders here...

its a harder challenge making it dirty and worn looking. I'd like to see that. Even steampunk-ish cannons would be considered blasters, right?
well of course.

I just happen to like shiney hi-tech, sci-fi stuff.

If someone wanted a challenge (do I hear extra credit) take Avwave's idea, just take it from him, I might even call it 'stealing' the idea from him, and make a old, worn out blaster.
Former Item Forger
Since my other one apparently looked more like a lamp than a blasta, here is a new one. It has legs and a 'shoot lazor' button.
Last edited by Gorman; Apr 19, 2010 at 09:11 AM.