I am leaving Toribash, guys. Check my clan board if you want to see why I am leaving.

Also, YouaredeaD will be the new leader and stuff. Delete me from the roster.
Originally Posted by Sebaa View Post
I am leaving Toribash, guys. Check my clan board if you want to see why I am leaving.

Also, YouaredeaD will be the new leader and stuff. Delete me from the roster.

WHAT!! YOU ARE LEAVING TORIBASH??!! i didn't expect that from you.
But remember this: NO ONE leaves toribash forever. Remember that.
lol wut
='( I just read the post...
You were fucking awesome Sebaa. I wish you good luck!

Oh yea, make transparent background to rank names e.t.c.
And maybe change the co - leaders to one of the elite members like GrayveXP, Ruadhan or maybe Madouken.
ye Sebaa sooner or later you will be back online trust me man
but good luck man and hopefully see u online from time 2 time
Fr_Death - Metal Gods
Left 4 Dead 2 FTW!
Is it only me or does it feel like there are aplenty people that have been here for a long time now are leaving?

I guess it is only a little feeling I have, still quite many of them around, and those who leave will probably always check back later.

See ye' swabby, hope to see ye' later although I never ever talked to ye'
Last edited by Madouken; Apr 21, 2010 at 06:10 PM.
Dirt dosen't need luck
bye sebaa, no one leaves forever
also, video you say O.o
i think i joined metal gods half way through this topic, summary any1?
