
Lol did u like it??
I am surprised i got to vs Hampa =D
Everyone Loves Me!!!!! ~ Because i am SN[K]Masterzoik!
Answer for all
hey,thx fish bro,by the way,the new picture of hex was made,lol,maybe someone said,a green belt ldr not good,but belt doesnt mean no skill,lol,
ill post the new picture of Hex,and,thx for the other,ill lead this clan be a great clan,i swear
ok, i haven't played against you, but im sure your a pretty good player. but can you be a little moer active on forums? (That includes the whole clan)
lol you almost beat him. but you can try again next time. and will you make me textures? can you try to get it to match Aurora colors? maybe a design on the parts but the background of them like Nirs textures? but different?
to pickets
i can make many cool texture,wanna buy it?500tc each

by the way,pickets,want u join us?
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HERE IS HEX Dsc update

clan story:once upon a time,there is 6 kids,kind a bad kids,there is hex,kennys,entera,airo,keyzz,and zip,they love to play game,virtual game[like the real world],one by one ose kidnaped by a virus named trojan,first,zip kidnaped when he goes for login,keyzz and entera are panic when they know zip was kidnaped,they decide to find the zip place,unfortunetly,the virtual world was corrupted,keyzz and entera traped on the data,and gone,so,now,there is only airo,kennys,and hex.airo is a smart and got a good vision,kennys is genius,he got 175 iq,and the only arogant is hex,everything he want,must done,if not,"KILLeD",the trojan know that hex and the other will find its place again,kennys and airo r scary to go to trojan's place,finnaly,hex meat trojan on a virtual world named "/c.Patch".hex deffeated trojan,and trojan surrender,and got all his friend back,hex swear he will protect his friend even he will die

Clan member



war commander

Mk i dont think you guys realize how the forums work you CANNOT be double posting and i see thats all you guys do either edit you post or wait for someone else to post d0ouble posting will affect you ever being official (if you make it that far) also it can get you banned/infracted if a modderator sees it so suggest you stop the double posting.