even though you dont like mine Ragdollmaster i am posting mine in here.

look at my design. please...

i can fix just about anything you need me to in this.

main design. can be fixed. i beleive this is the biggest it needs to be, maybe a little bigger in width and height. only a little though.

theres an idea for a signature for it.

and an avatar

what do you guys think?
well i would perfer truthfully something we can all base our ideas off of, toribash. and i redid the character and made him a fusion based character instead of my colours.

here is your newest version i just made.
again i can fix anything you deem "in need of fixing"




im sorry but it looks better having something that relates to toribash going on, and isnt made from looking at a photoshop tutorial and following the steps.

and to be honest, i did hand draw a bit of that. i made my own brushes, thanks. and i brushed in everything on my own, and i did all the effects without filters except for once, all with the brush tool. thanks.
Last edited by Anesthetik; Dec 24, 2007 at 08:15 PM.
Originally Posted by Anesthetik
photoshop tutorial and following the steps.

I don't have photoshop. I made that without a tutorial in GIMP.

but that logo is a lot better then the first one. I'm gonna try something similar.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Alright, well if you want it done in this style, i would perfer to do it. but go at it if you want. and if you want to compromise and make it the way we both want it, give me the screenshots and tell me in general what you think would look good, the basics.
heres another main one i whipped up rather quickly. too much depth i believe. im going to experiment with different coloured tori fusions that are not my colour or anyone elses.

Last edited by Anesthetik; Dec 24, 2007 at 10:20 PM.
...where's the pic

Anyways I made an alternate, inverted version of your second main one. I prefer this one because the letters stand out more and the joints are more colorful.

Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Dec 24, 2007 at 10:13 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
alright. well if you want i can make the thing stand out more lol. just ask me to do that and it will be better.
Dunno if anyone saw the thread on a roster wall, but I'm making mugshots like torigod. here is a prototype.

You seem to have some pretty good photoshop skills Anesthetik. could you make me some borders? The mugshots are all 96X96 pixels wide.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
how about you do this for me. get me the screen shot full size, the text you need with it, and ill make them all, my pleasure. pm me the stuff.