1. Where are you from?
2. Where were you born?
3. How old are you?
15 I'm your Dad
4. What is your name? (real name ;p)
5. What you study?
2 yrs left for bachelor, aand I love Maths....
6. What is your favorite type of music? Who is your best songer/band/music maker?
I love Death/Speed Metal, best groups H.I.M., Alesana...and I hate Pogo (srry Andrea =p)
7. What is your favorite type of film.
Sci-Fi and Gore movies, so..I get sick about movies having both (and I hate silly dramas, Social Network was A FAILURE....)
1. How long time you playing in Toribash?
I joined in June 2010(GoldenZen, my old acc)
2. Best mod?
3. Belt?
Green (Brown in my old acc)
4. What you like more, and where are you more active? Toribash Forum or game?
Well,.....dunno, both...maybe...
5. Did You have ever any problems with Admins/Moderators? (Any infractions or something like this)
Err........Irrelevant xD
Where is all the passion we had... and why does it all end as soon as it begins....