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[ToriWorld] Usurper - The First War!

Long, long time ago in fantasy world far, far away...

Welcome to second part of the Usurper Event. By now we have 10 generals presenting their Clans.
These generals are on their starting locations, waiting for the sound of horn to charge toward enemy territory and destroy other army, or their HQ.
Once again, if u already didn’t, read the complete

Familiarize yourself with the rules, be prepared. Together with your combine skill and tactic you can strike deciding blow to the enemy army. Work together, outsmart your opponents, don’t get cut off and die alone.

and Prizes...

1. Conquer territory with enemy HQ
First Prize:
10 K for every winning army’s general + TC from conquered territories+ General who conquered enemy HQ will be in Rift graphic novel as a main character!
2. Total destruction of enemy army
Second Prize:
8 K for every 'alive' general of the winning army + TC from conquered territories
3. Greater number of conquered territories at the end of event:
Third Prize:
5 K for every 'alive' general on the map + TC from conquered territories

Prizes are shared equally among winning army’s generals (TC), except items. Items go to the player who captured and held that territory to the end of event.

This map will be updated at the end of every day, after all turns were played on the server. Don’t confuse this map with the ‘’Live updating map’’ that is placed on the Hung DSC, and which u need to have opened in your web browser and refresh during playing on server.

[Live Updating Map]
is here! Use it during playing on Usurper server.

Every general has 3 HP, you can check your HP condition after each day. Don’t charge recklessly toward enemy territory with low HP. Be smart.

Zaroon Army

Hampa Army

After every day we will have quick report about things that happened on the battlefield. This report is made for you and for other people that would like to follow situation with the Usurper Event. Also this is the place where the individual generals will get medals for their deeds. Best army’s generals will get special prizes. [TOP SECRET].

Marching like crazed, general from Jolly Roger used his skill and tactic to grab as many special cards
he can. Hampa Army, although hampered and without numbers on their side fought bravely, but...
In one deciding move Jolly Roger used Flying machine Zeppelin and landed on sudden-death territory.
Without no one to oppose him (DP inactive on their start location) and having next turn, Zaroon army's general
Jolly Roger clan made a check-mate on enemy HQ.
It all ends... Next 30 years is a history of pillage and death, while Hampa's refuges seek their
champion to save them... But, that 's another story. :}
See ya, next time in:

Dragon Riders of HAMPA!

These are the special cards that will be used for this event:

Attacking - Purple

Defending - Blue

These rules u must follow if u does not wish to be ‘retired’ from your service.

- No spamming, quarrels, insulting! Keep talking to minimal; ask only if u don’t understand something. No talking about colors, sale, textures, clans, what u have eaten that day, how was your day at school, did your girl was good to you, etc! Casual talks keep for IRC (look link below)

- In room everyone must be in spec. One by one, in turns, you will be entered to announce your move and play your game, after that return to spec and wait for map update (will be announced by me), then refresh web page with the map and then next player enters and plays.
- AFK people that are inactive during their turn will ‘’miss their turn’’ unless they ‘’wake up’’ in 5 min after they are called out to play. Clans who don’t show up on event will ‘’miss their turn’’. If they miss their turn 3 times in a row they are disbanded – removed from event.
- Be patient when waiting for map update. It’s not easy.
-Those that do not follow these rules will be warned, and if they continue breaking the rules, kicked from event.

Come to IRC
[Usurper] if you want to talk while you wait for your turn. This is the place to talk.

Event Ended - Zaroon Army Wins!

Prizes will be sent to generals/clans during this day or tomorrow.

Current fond for this Event is: 110K + Full beetle + Full Ivory
-ChuckNinja donated full Ivory for this event. Thx, man! :]
-McBurger donated 30K for the event. :]

Good luck to ya all!- Bojan
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jan 27, 2011 at 06:17 PM. Reason: New page for Event