*Ray sighs

This thread can easily function as that. Also, we wouldn't need to make an entire board just for council suggestions and problems if everyone's going to have access to it and we're just going to discuss it via PM and IRC.

A single post is much easier than an entire thread.
Atleast edit the suggestion front page and add Issues being discussed: or Suggestions being discussed:
So members know what's up for discussion and if it was their suggestion, they know it being discussed.

Most council's I know of have a official passworded place were they can discuss the things they need to discuss, Especially if some members have very different GMT's and can't be in irc at the same time. Oh and I'm sure pm'ing will get very irritating for the council members.
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Atleast edit the suggestion front page and add Issues being discussed: or Suggestions being discussed:
So members know what's up for discussion and if it was their suggestion, they know it being discussed.

If we want you guys to know what is being discussed, we would reply after the post with the respective suggestion in here. So no need for more topics such as those.

Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Most council's I know of have a official passworded place were they can discuss the things they need to discuss, Especially if some members have very different GMT's and can't be in irc at the same time. Oh and I'm sure pm'ing will get very irritating for the council members.

Not at all, I've dealt with tons of PMs so far and I have no probs with it. I think my inbox may have over 4000 messages.

If you have any suggestions,
post em here.
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.
We desperately need to get the word out and figure out how to jump-start activity around here.
what am i doing here