Original Post
[Zouph] 150K Giveaway [Zouph]
An event I'll be starting that just is a series of tournaments leading up to the amount of 150K TC.

1st Tournament: 50K
2nd Tournament: 100K

1st will be hosted on Saturday, April 9th.
2nd will be hosted on Friday, April 15th.

*Times will be posted in 1 Hour, 45 Minutes, 30 Minutes, format. I'll post on this thread on this specific post at the bottom what time and how long until the start of the tournament.

*Be their, rules are simple.

1.) Don't beg, insta-kick.
2.) Don't sell, insta-kick.
3.) Don't flame non-stop, mute /kick 2nd.
4.) Don't backseat mod, insta-ban.
5.) Don't multi-account, insta-ban.
6.) Whisper explose, mute /kick 2nd.
7.) Accuse me of cheating. Let's talk..

You play the tourney, you lose.. "Zouph is a liar, cheater.. didn't give me my money"

I am giving away my TC for you, so don't put me on the spot because your nerd meter is off the charts.

Got accused a couple months back, got sick of the game. Quit.
Tried selling my account, had 4 buyers. Na, I'll wait.
Guy offered me 200 bucks for the TC I had on it, meh.

I play and give away the TC because you guys have fun.


Alright most of you are wondering which or what mods will be played.. it's simple.

First Tournament: Aikido
Second Tournament: AikdoBD ( Big Dojo )

Their are no second prizes, therefore only one winner will be chosen.

Decap Prize: 15k
Nudge: 10k
Op: 20k

Don't ask why I'm doing nudges and ops, it's just for TC purposes. I might not do ops considering all of the players that would fspec everyone and so forth.

Any other questions leave a comment, I'll answer and create a Faq if it gets too big.

Last edited by Keaton; Apr 5, 2011 at 12:22 AM.
we dem boys
Edited the thread, leave a comment / question on the comment part and I'll read and update if needed.

*Might move the date to an earlier time.
*"Why you like toribash" will be moved to an earlier time as well.

we dem boys
i'll do my best to show up =D.
One last question.

You currently don't have the TC, how will you support this event and the "Why you like toribash" ?.


Lets hope I be there
Can't make a decent looking head texture?
PM me and I'll make one for 1k! (All custom made to YOUR liking!)