People on networking sites, such as Facebook, who put a word as their middle name. No, Devon Capslock Heron, it doesn't make you cool. Or you, Julian Pineappletako.

As someone said earlier, those girls who act unbelievably stupid because they think it's attractive. Teehee, get the fuck out of my face.

Chapped lips when winter starts.


People who use needless redundancies; for example- "Sorta kinda" and "Each and every." I got the point when you said the word the first time.

When people tell you the same thing, multiple times, because they think changing a few words makes it have a new meaning.

People who, while watching TV, won't look at you when they talk to you. If you want me to do you a favor, at least respect me enough to look at me.

Scene kids. You're the biggest liar when you say "I'm not a poser." All scene is is when a kid wants to look emo. Actually, while I'm on this subject, I'm irritated by labels in general. I'm a human being, and so are you. Stop trying to be special.

People who keep tarantulas as pets.

People who kill things they dislike. Girls, I understand some of you are freaked out by spiders. Guys too. But do you like mosquitoes? Or flies? How about other insects in your house? Spiders take care of that.

People who think they're god. (That means you, Bono.)

People who try to convert anyone who doesn't believe in the same religion as they do. I understand you love your religion, but I love my lack of one too.

And finally, I can't stand it when I get something to eat, and suddenly it's gone. Everyone tells me I ate it but.. I know those gnomes are after me...
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
When people say L O L, that's almost as stupid as declaring something is funny. I mean what the fuck?

I hate this to the extent of:

"Lol so like this lol guy was all lol and i lol'd it was loltastic lol"

And end every. fucking. sentence. in "lol"
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
People who can't spell.
People who try to use the right "They're/Their/There" but still mess it up.
People Who Capitalize Like This.
People who try to troll in real life. They just end up looking like outrageous douchebags.
Using q's instead of g's, and anything else that generally applies into that category.
Leet speak. I mean, just fucking speak English.
People who have an excuse for EVERYTHING.
When someone fucks something up, they say that their "cousin" "brother" or "sister" took over the computer.
Mostly everyone on Xbox Live. I don't want to hear about how your day was or you talking to someone in the background, I want a game strategy or at least something that relates to the game.
People who stretch out their words when thinking. IE. "Last niiiiiiiiiiiiiight I ummmmmmmmm went to the storeeeeeeeeee..."
Attention whores.
Skinny jeans.
Deliberately placing the tongue of your shoe over your pants.
The fact that converse looks stylish but offer NO HEEL SUPPORT.
The Abercrombie store in the mall. It smells like a tool academy & spray-tan.
People who capitalize the "P" in my username.
People who judge you by your postcount. Quality over Quantity.
YouTubers who don't read the description of a video.
People who question your sexual orientation. None of your business, honestly.
When you ask someone a question, and they reply, "I'll get back to you in 5 minutes, hold on."
YouTube taggers.
People who put unnecessary/unrelated tags in a video just to get more views.
People who can't seem to find the edit button.
People who lie just to boost their ego.
Last edited by MrTeapawt; May 28, 2011 at 03:51 AM. Reason: I'm irritated by a shitload of things
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
I can't handle people with no common sense. It just baffles me how someone can be so goddamn stupid.
>point something out
>someone asks "soooo bla bla"
>yes, that's what i said
>"so I'm right?"
When your saying something very important and then the person you said it to says "What?" And when you space during a really awesome replay. (Happens to me ALL the time.)
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Originally Posted by Rexoa View Post
I can't stand people who suck at something, but still think they are the best.

AKA my brother at Tony Hawk's American Wasteland.
I mean, he's pretty good, but there's millions who are better than him.
And whenever he does something good, he showboats.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
People who type lik dis or lYk3 tH1s.
People whose name is like this on Facebook: *name* Bieberfever JonasBrothers Kpopers blah blah blah.
Originally Posted by MrTeapawt View Post
Skinny jeans.


also, something that irritates me beyond belief is antifurries.
i mean, what the fuck, leave us alone and we won't get in your way
pennis and also dicke and balls
Originally Posted by CrazyTaco View Post


Stupid people. I just can't stand them.

"uhh, wut duhs "stamina" mean?
Originally Posted by arnaufall View Post
People who type lik dis or lYk3 tH1s.
People whose name is like this on Facebook: *name* Bieberfever JonasBrothers Kpopers blah blah blah.

/me agrees with OP.
Last edited by ZayexAlt; May 28, 2011 at 08:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump