Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ok im at dads place now so i'll upload it =D (Yah the title screen sucks ><) and its the old version so i think you get the bug saying didn't found variable xxx exit/ignore but just press ignore =D

Edit: And about the originality.. Im not sure if its That original ^_^
Last edited by Sebsebeleb; Apr 18, 2008 at 06:42 PM.
Oh.. My... God... i got the exe file but i think i've lost the gm file... oh well... I'll upload it but it looks like i'll have to make the game again ^^ Unless there are any exe file to gamemaker converter
The only problem is that i made the game at my moms laptop, and then i got my own and mom wanted me to delete my games on her laptop, and i deleted most of them except the ones i needed, i didn't delete gamemaker but when i was going to burn it to a cd and get it to my laptop, it was all wierd :/