Ingame name: DarkSplinter
Why should we pick you:I am a good fighter in taekyonn and wushu and i have played this game for about 1/2 a year so i have experience
Why you want to join:I am a fan and buyer of defibrill i have bought a acid dq from you I thank you for that item but i no longer have it and i see you guys are an uprising clan so i would like to donate.
Skills:Wushu,Taekyonn and Parkour
What you need to work on:Aikido
Do you speak English fluently:Yes I lived in america my whole life.
Anything you want us to know about you:I am a Perv?
Last edited by DarkSplinter; Nov 28, 2011 at 12:51 AM. Reason: Minor Mistakes
Ingame name: Toxicsplinter
Belt: White (Alt)

Why should we pick you: This is my alt my normal is brown. And in Tech we beat frost we only used 2 people and they used 3 and we still won. And i can get us more allies.
Why you want to join: I love clans like this because I can contribute with my skills.
Skills: Akido, Wushu
What you need to work on: Taekwondo
Do you speak English fluently: Yes
Anything you want us to know about you: I have allies that are in frost and other clans plus I love twinswords4fixed.
Originally Posted by Knifekill1 View Post
No way your a junior mr=ember and rank 67 and if you are you must be hacking
i meant member

Im not hacking -_- and u can test me any way you want and i bet ill pass easily
Originally Posted by idklool View Post
Im not hacking -_- and u can test me any way you want and i bet ill pass easily

He is not hacking.. he is a junior member on the Forums

I am only a member.. and I am brown belt... In-game has nothing to do with your profile..
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Well I couldn't get over the fact that tbh those banners aren't really that good but good luck bro
I also wanted to say hia to all my friends in this clan
Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
Ummm no i was'nt kicked from this clan because i even forgot about this clan l_()l_....but i still want to know why,but i do know who did it...handclap1.