Original Post
Fixing Tourney Farming
A way you could fix tourney farming is making it so there can only be 1 person in a tourney with a certain router/IP. Something like if someone tries to log in with 2 computers they get kicked with a message like "Someone with your IP is already in this room, please try again later". But idk, just an idea.
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.
True, however that would involve making another group of players who would obviously need higher powers (ability to ban famers, temp ban from servers) I highly doubt that they want to make another group, a group was suggested a couple days ago or so by Jigyansu, they rejected it.
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
Well it doesn't have to be all day. And perhaps they could have a group who oversees the tournaments for them.

well this is pretty hard and u need tons of users which have to do it, that the tournaments would be 24/7 under investigation..
also they need pretty high powers and the chance that some guys will abuse them is also pretty high.

actually the easiest way is making a max amount of tournaments a day if the farmers still get a greatly amount of tc then they have to find something diffrent which works then..

another idea from me would be, that the tournaments are only online on certain times, like 10 tournaments are on from 6-9AM GMT0, then 15 Tournaments are on from 15-21PM etc. so they cant farm 24/7 only at these times.(and then its easier to have a look at them for the GM´s etc.)
also its just an idea the times dont have to be like this..
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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
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Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
well this is pretty hard and u need tons of users which have to do it, that the tournaments would be 24/7 under investigation..
also they need pretty high powers and the chance that some guys will abuse them is also pretty high.

actually the easiest way is making a max amount of tournaments a day if the farmers still get a greatly amount of tc then they have to find something diffrent which works then..

another idea from me would be, that the tournaments are only online on certain times, like 10 tournaments are on from 6-9AM GMT0, then 15 Tournaments are on from 15-21PM etc. so they cant farm 24/7 only at these times.(and then its easier to have a look at them for the GM´s etc.)
also its just an idea the times dont have to be like this..

Hell no lol, if this happens what about the other time zone and then the other and then the other, I dont think people would be that addicted to toribash playing at night and have a math test the next day.
Originally Posted by MrRobson View Post
This is crap. Why dont you use real money instead of tc. you cant farm real money.

Real money? Its not a game if we use real money. I'm just supporting the 1 win in tourney a day
Originally Posted by MasterGabe View Post
Hell no lol, if this happens what about the other time zone and then the other and then the other, I dont think people would be that addicted to toribash playing at night and have a math test the next day.

how i said, the times i said dont must be 100% correctly and if u set the times right everyone in every time zone can enoy it.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
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i think first we got to make people with 50k tc like banned from the toruneys because they got a lot of money !
and 9thdan because they will beat all the players
they make another account?
they cant join because maybe we ban their ip!
now for the multi clinting everone has multi client-ed we ban them from tourney for like 1 week
how to know if they are multiclienting?
maybe giving the players in tourneys the command /status
this would be really helpful!
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
i think first we got to make people with 50k tc like banned from the toruneys because they got a lot of money !
and 9thdan because they will beat all the players
they make another account?
they cant join because maybe we ban their ip!
now for the multi clinting everone has multi client-ed we ban them from tourney for like 1 week
how to know if they are multiclienting?
maybe giving the players in tourneys the command /status
this would be really helpful!

now write this in an english which is everyone understandding please?
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
jorrel if you have 2 men 1 is rich and 1 is poor
and you wanna give someone money who will you give ?
sure the poor one! cause the rich one don't need the money!
same here rich people dont need more tc they got more than they need! so let them stop!
INB4 14 days ban