hmmm i dont see what is your point here , like any one cares lol , and are stuped or what ? ? don't post here !!! i well not play with your word's case that is noob way , using your power destroy peoples rep .
Well the world record was about 18 weeks of friends hating each others, and me and my brother hold that record proudly, since we fight for no reason everyday, not those word fights, no, the man fights, replacing my pillow with a bee hive (The basterd actully did it) but I got him back, I never thought that smashing his dumb-bells over his head would cause him to black out, offcourse when he woke up, he strapped me to a pole in the yard, only wearing my underwear, and covered me with honey, and set the bees at me, I think he got an allience with bees, offcourse we only do that when our parents arn't home