Coolio! I've been reading more of the New 52 as per usual. Nightwing, Swamp Thing etc. Is phail reading anything... *queries phail in IRC*
Basically reading "Sandman" now. Its sooo awesome.
Dengue is a wizard.
[Nitro] | (KnC) | [Monk] | Gamer's Inc. | ViperTech and Cheshyre fanboy
I'll just share with you few pages from the comic series THE MERCENARY from Vincent Sergeles. The way he was making this comic series is epic: He was painting every panel using oil colors on the canvas then it was scanned and transferred into comic.

That method was long end tedious, for one comic book he would spend year or two painting, but... Just see the final results! Every image is a masterpiece for itself.

He made 12 or 15 books I think, every book at least 48 pages. Monumental work!






That is amazing! It's like every panel is a painting. It kind of looks like your comic Rift! Were you inspired by this art-style, or something different? Anywho, we need to get our Org's name on the map, so I think we should host a tourney or betting server. Can you guys PM or something, and maybe we can arrange something!
If I would start declaring all the comics that were inspiring me to do my stuff Hampa would have to buy one more server just for my post, that's how large it would be...
These are great, you are quite the artist.

I have some ideas for some comics but the are all fanboy fictions of a show I watch.
Name: Neko
Age: 17
Location: Glasgow
When you started reading comics: Like 5, I read my dad's stuff
DC or Marvel: Marvel
Favorite Superhero: Iron Man
Why?: Just always preferred him to any other super hero. Always been a big fan.
Rarest Issue you own?: Iron man #2
Other info: hi
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu