Hey Jig! haven't seen you in a while. How's the new clan going so far?
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Jigyansu, how will I be able to participate in clan wars because we live in such different time zones?:con fused:
hey everyone i thought we should make a bank character i can be that character i will name it
and we should have a goal list
World best ES World best ES
my shawty look gorgus
the Bank is Bankerofknights I will invite and get him ready
World best ES World best ES
my shawty look gorgus
I was offline for a month,warlord342 sorry but you are not allowed to make bank account/s.
I will make it when required.Therefore its not required to use that.I officially rejected your bank account named BankerofKnights.
K Sry I didn't know I will delete him asap
World best ES World best ES
my shawty look gorgus
can we in clan war with ascend jigy?
World best ES World best ES
my shawty look gorgus