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New Competitive Esport Rank System
This ranking system that I present hopes to bring Toribash to a new level of competitiveness, it aims to reward skilled players for fighting other skilled players. The current ranking system does not reward skilled players, instead it rewards those who farm worse players than themselves.

How does it work?
It works using the current elo system but instead it forces players to fight those stronger than them. Therefore only the best will be able to get to the highest rank.

For now the current ranking system can stay and this additional "Esports" rank can also be in place at the same time. This will allow the new ranking system to be beta tested over a period of time and if successful then the old rank system could be removed.

Separate "Esport" ranked lobby's should be programmed to auto change the mod after a period of time (24 or 48 hours). This is because the most skilled players can play in a variety of mods.

The mods for the lobby's should be decided on community input.
Here is a suggestion of mods that could be scripted to auto change:

Mon: Lenshu3ng.tbm
Tue: ErthTKv2.tbm
Wed: AikidoBigDojo.tbm
Thur: Boxshu.tbm
Fri: Greykido.tbm
Sat: Rk-MMA.tbm
Sun: Boxshu_Mushu_V2

Multiple servers should be set up and restricted based on the new "Esport" rank. In addition Tiers 4 - 5 would also have a 1,000 QI restriction. Tier 6 would have a 2,000 QI restriction and Tier 7 would have a 3,000 QI restriction. This would be to prevent alts and act as a motivation to play the game and gain enough QI for the lobbys.

Lobby tier 1: Rank 50,000 +
Lobby tier 2: Rank 35,000 - 50,000
Lobby tier 3: Rank 35,000 - 15,000
Lobby tier 4: Rank 15,000 - 5,000
Lobby tier 5: Rank 5,000 - 1,000
Lobby tier 6: Rank 1000 - 250
Lobby tier 7: Rank 250 - 1.

The new rank could be displayed in a way like :

The way this rank system is set up should not require to much effort to implement as it uses a lot of the settings that are already in the game.

Long Term Aim

If this ranking system was successful then it has a lot of potential for the future. The old ranking system could be totally removed if people think that is best.

For the long term, "Esport" ranks should be reset every month (Seasons*) therefore it is a battle each month to gain the #1 spot and this keeps it highly competitive. A reward system could be added for players who achieve certain ranks as well as achievements. Some of my ideas are that top 16 players would receive a special non-trade-able 3D item that would be different depending on what "Season" they won. TC or forces / laxes could be rewarded for getting to certain Tiers. E.g. Vampire force for getting to Tier 3.

Data could be collected and Nabi Studios could use information such as the top 16 players in each season to plan world championship spots.

Potentially players could click on other players names to find out information about there best previous season rankings or even a leader board could be added to the menu where players can view statistics about who is the best from what season etc.
Please feel free to give feed back on this system, and point out any flaws and improvements that could be added.
ok heres the real rank 'fix' to the current system

reset everyones global ranks, add matchmaking make it so you only get rank from matchmaking lobbies. all other lobbies give no elo rank unless it's mod rank.

add belt restrictions so master belts aren't playing inexperienced players. at first these will pretty much just be belt matchmaking lobbies, then eventually when ranks even out it will actually matter, and you will only get matches with people close to your global rank. give people the option to pick which mods they want to play for rank, make it so that you get global rank slower playing one mod in matchmaking excessively. because being good at one mod shouldn't reward you with being seemingly the 3rd best overall.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
This shows how inactive you are, public lobbys are he heart of noob farming. They are filled with low skilled players and a couple high skilled. Look at public TK, about %90 of the lobby has terrible players in it and you will find a couple good players. Not only that but look at the top 10 mod ranked players, I was versus one and he was awfull.. just goes to show how much noob farming goes on in public lobbys.

Speaking from the experience, the highest elo gains I got were from quick rooms.
As for the other public rooms, sure, there are some people making huge gains on new players but it's not really a case of farming. Playing jousting, hidden on a private server with a password, low maxclients and minbelt set is another case and a problem.

Private servers are good as newbies can kick the higher skilled players when they are being repeatedly defeated.

Same deal applies to public rooms. What's more, private rooms often has passwords or OPs that don't want other people than their friends to play there.

The reason for QI restrictions being a MUST in these lobbys is because the majority of the best players are all from the dueling community (In my opinion) and if you have ever been there you will see that there is an insane amount of alts. I think if there wasn't any QI restricions the top tier lobbys would have many alts in them. A 2,000 QI restriction is hardly a large amount for a newish player to achieve, but it is enough to stop alts.

Your and mine definitions of best (or even good) players clearly differ.
That said, I'm not against setting some rooms with QI restrictions, possibly the same as those that appy to tourneys, however, it's not as important as you'd like it to be. I don't see a problem with playing against an alt (dueling again one is a different case as you can misjudge your chances but that's not the point of this discussion). Good player will be good, regardless if he plays on an acc that has 10000Qi or 100Qi. I personally have two alt accs which I use when I just want to play, without being bothered. My elo ranking there isn't much different from this acc's.

Anyway, the point of my previous post was to present a possible, temporary solution.
Those two words are important because right now we lack manpower and resources to 'code' any of those 'perfect' tank system you come up with.
I respect that you want a temporary solution and are putting in effort, but what you suggest would just make the problem worse, it would mean that a much larger percent of people are playing in public lobbys, ESPECIALLY new players since they are the ones who aim to get Qi, Then one high skill player would enter and streak them all. Me and you Powas have very little reason to play for Qi now, since nothing really comes from it, but to a blue belt it can mean a lot. Yes you are correct when you say the majority comes from QA rooms, i had forgotten they existed, they are the heaven of farming.
The idea of people setting private lobbys and farming rank and QI in jousting is kinda old fashioned now and not that common.

Mwah I originally suggested a matchmaking suggestion where people could veto mods but i quickly realised that would be far to much work for Nabi, The majority of your idea seems very similiar to the one I suggested, but I just made it easier to be implemented. A matchmaking system with being able to Veto a selection of mods would be far greater to my idea but I cannot see it happening.

If you look at the parts that it takes to make the system I suggestion possible there are very few 'new' ideas. The only one being an automatic mod rotation. (Which is already possible with bots) and Rank restriction from lobbys, which is already very similar to QI restriction and probably just needs a few tweaks in the code.
Last edited by FistofLife; Jan 7, 2015 at 05:20 PM.
The only way to solve the rank system, is to only be able to gain and loose elo from people of similar skill aka. Similar elo amount. Any other way, would be almost impossible to stop farming or for the system to be inaccurate in skill level. If a Qi restriction was made, it wouldn't stop average players from getting elo from a newer player. Lets face it, many if not most newer players buy Qi, or even older and more experienced players. A new player buys Qi, enters in a high Qi restricted room, plays against a player that didn't buy Qi, so more experienced and most likely more skilled, and boom, there goes the average player's elo up to the sky. Skyrocketing his elo over a much more skilled player, and now the system is inaccurate. Alts... they don't matter... if an alt makes it all the way up to the top ranks, there's nothing wrong with that... the system is representing his skill accurately. If the player behind the alt was skilled enough, then he should be up there, doesn't matter if it's an alt or not. The purpose of a ranking system is to demonstrate skill as accurate as possible, and in this scenario, it is. Mod choices and how it would affect the system is another problem, but that's not something to worry about atm, an actually system would have to be created before mods could even apply.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
FistofLife: I actually read your post carefully enough. If you can't see drawbacks in your suggestion, you probably have to start reading others' posts and react adequately to them.

I thought you were a smart guy Sir, is it really that hard to understand how you cannot noob farm using this?

I guess you don't make any difference between "farming" and "playing against whitebelts with an alt".
When you let ranking system work in private rooms, you get people locking it (+ supposedly ghosting it) and farming ELO. No matter what belt they have, white belt or god belt. This can only be prevented by disabling ranks in such rooms and keeping them for official only.
If you want to prevent people with huge qi difference from getting ranking points for playing against each other, I don't see any reasons for implementing a whole new system instead of tweaking the current one. Keep it only for qi-based rooms, add 'rank groups' to prevent brownbelts who play a lot from beating 10th dans and that's all.

As for mod rotation, why not to have more official rooms? There aren't THAT many mods people play on regular basis and there are even less mods that can be considered 'fair'. If players care about ranks, rooms will be crowded enough not to stay empty all the time.

Also please stop adding "esport" to every idea that includes rank / game client upgrades.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
FistofLife: I actually read your post carefully enough. If you can't see drawbacks in your suggestion, you probably have to start reading others' posts and react adequately to them.

I guess you don't make any difference between "farming" and "playing against whitebelts with an alt".
When you let ranking system work in private rooms, you get people locking it (+ supposedly ghosting it) and farming ELO. No matter what belt they have, white belt or god belt. This can only be prevented by disabling ranks in such rooms and keeping them for official only.
If you want to prevent people with huge qi difference from getting ranking points for playing against each other, I don't see any reasons for implementing a whole new system instead of tweaking the current one. Keep it only for qi-based rooms, add 'rank groups' to prevent brownbelts who play a lot from beating 10th dans and that's all.

As for mod rotation, why not to have more official rooms? There aren't THAT many mods people play on regular basis and there are even less mods that can be considered 'fair'. If players care about ranks, rooms will be crowded enough not to stay empty all the time.

Also please stop adding "esport" to every idea that includes rank / game client upgrades.

I cringe and my brain hurts at your response... or maybe I just never wrote my idea very clearly. Not once did I mention cutting off players from playing higher QI players and for the love of god can you not see i wrote all numbers are subject to change that includes the QI restriction on lobbys!! The only reason for these QI restrictions on ranked lobbys at higher tiers was nothing to do with stopping "Skill" and to prevent blues being vs 10ths. It is there purely to stop ALTS.

Do I need to hold your hand as I explain each part step by step?

The reason these QI restrictions would not effect regular players is because do you really think a Legit blue or green belt will be in the top 1000 players? Lets say the QI restriction was on the Tier 6 + lobbys. The only people this would effect is Alts.

Also it is 2015. There is hardly any people at all who solely go out of there way to ghost lobbys to farm rank. This is non existent at this time, its not 2008 which is probably the last time you played in game.

The reason for this system has nothing to do with stopping farming, it is there to add legitimate competitive play for EVERYONE. If you read my system clearly you will see it is not possible to farm rank.

The reason for "Not just adding more official lobbys" is because to work out a real legitimate rank players have to be skilled at all competitive mods, not just there favourite one.

*On a side note, I know what you mean by Rank farming and Noob bashing. The point of this system is to add a rank system which isn't all about noob bashing. I may have said rank farming when I men't noob bashing at some points.
Last edited by FistofLife; Jan 7, 2015 at 07:51 PM.
People currently don't care about ranks because it's so inaccurate. Why would I work hard, and beat people of my skill level and try getting my elo up, when a much lower skill level player can just farm their elo from newer players and end up with a higher elo than me? If a good system were to be implemented and it would actually work, it is normal for it to get competitive. It would actually encourage people to see who is the best or who is up the in the top players. It would motivate people to get better and to keep playing for a better elo, who doesn't like being in the top 5% of players in a list?
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
People currently don't care about ranks because it's so inaccurate. Why would I work hard, and beat people of my skill level and try getting my elo up, when a much lower skill level player can just farm their elo from newer players and end up with a higher elo than me? If a good system were to be implemented and it would actually work, it is normal for it to get competitive. It would actually encourage people to see who is the best or who is up the in the top players. It would motivate people to get better and to keep playing for a better elo, who doesn't like being in the top 5% of players in a list?

Thank you. I think.

Right now a bad 2nd dan could achieve the top ten rank just by playing in public TK and doing a snap kick. I am almost certain I could create a bot that knows one or two moves and could get rank 1.

To summarise the whole system I suggested, it forces competitive play by putting people of a similar skill together, always.
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
I cringe and my brain hurts at your response... or maybe I just never wrote my idea very clearly. Not once did I mention cutting off players from playing higher QI players and for the love of god can you not see i wrote all numbers are subject to change that includes the QI restriction on lobbys!! The only reason for these QI restrictions on ranked lobbys at higher tiers was nothing to do with stopping "Skill" and to prevent blues being vs 10ths. It is there purely to stop ALTS.

Do I need to hold your hand as I explain each part step by step?

The reason these QI restrictions would not effect regular players is because do you really think a Legit blue or green belt will be in the top 1000 players? Lets say the QI restriction was on the Tier 6 + lobbys. The only people this would effect is Alts.

Also it is 2015. There is hardly any people at all who solely go out of there way to ghost lobbys to farm rank. This is non existent at this time, its not 2008 which is probably the last time you played in game.

The reason for this system has nothing to do with stopping farming, it is there to add legitimate competitive play for EVERYONE. If you read my system clearly you will see it is not possible to farm rank.

The reason for "Not just adding more official lobbys" is because to work out a real legitimate rank players have to be skilled at all competitive mods, not just there favourite one.

*On a side note, I know what you mean by Rank farming and Noob bashing. The point of this system is to add a rank system which isn't all about noob bashing. I may have said rank farming when I men't noob bashing at some points.

Like I said, the point of a ranking system is to demonstrate skill, if an alt is in the top players... well, that means that player is that good, it means the system is accurate, now you may say, well, he got up there by farming newer players,well, with the rank or tier thing, he would have to advance through every tier to get that high. Meaning, he gets to a certain point in elo where he advances to the next tier, he can no longer get elo from those newer players, he Is now facing a bit more experienced players, if by doing this he gets all the way up to top tier, it would mean the is capable enough to beat most players in all skill levels, the system would be accurate in his skill. Having a alt blue belt up there doesn't matter... people would know it's an alt, but why would you have an alt instead of your main so high up there? Belt doesn't matter and we all know this, an alt that is a blue belt can be up there, the system is saying he is very skilled, and it's not lieing. That's what makes a good system work, it all depends on accuracy. Your system would work just don't focus too much on alts.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
Like I said, the point of a ranking system is to demonstrate skill, if an alt is in the top players... well, that means that player is that good, it means the system is accurate, now you may say, well, he got up there by farming newer players,well, with the rank or tier thing, he would have to advance through every tier to get that high. Meaning, he gets to a certain point in elo where he advances to the next tier, he can no longer get elo from those newer players, he Is now facing a bit more experienced players, if by doing this he gets all the way up to top tier, it would mean the is capable enough to beat most players in all skill levels, the system would be accurate in his skill. Having a alt blue belt up there doesn't matter... people would know it's an alt, but why would you have an alt instead of your main so high up there? Belt doesn't matter and we all know this, an alt that is a blue belt can be up there, the system is saying he is very skilled, and it's not lieing. That's what makes a good system work, it all depends on accuracy. Your system would work just don't focus too much on alts.

I know if an alt got to the top tier he would be highly skilled, as that is how the system i said works, many alts are extremely high skilled. The reason to stop alts is nothing to do with farming or that it is just because people have that stigma against them. People in general hate them and don't think they should be allowed, often because they are banned players.

Yes maybe you are correct, and the alts thing and QI restriction should just be forgotten about. It was just a point to keep people happy.