

if I can get past it tomorrow (believe me I tried for a looong time today) I'll post it. Getting closer though
On the previous page btw
yes it looks wonky, but at that point i just wanted to be done xD i got the next part perfect tho :O
finally got past that part, and did pretty well on the next part. i have no clue what to do at this point, I have many routes to the end. tell me what you think.
funny thing is i started this replay as a joke, thinking "lol swexx had alot of trouble with this one, lets try it and see how far I can get". never thought I would get that far considering the hard parts are over
Attached Files
Continuity.rpl (724.9 KB, 10 views)
raid_challenge.tbm (28.7 KB, 4 views)
Continuity Keyframed 2.rpl (857.7 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by iIluminati; Mar 27, 2015 at 03:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Bump. Cnc anyone? I actually think you'll enjoy the key framed one, pls take the time an cnc, thanks. And if u want cnc on your replays just tell me here and I'll head to your thread if you give a link.
Attached Files
Continuity.rpl (1.22 MB, 17 views)
Last edited by iIluminati; Mar 28, 2015 at 01:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
that is pretty good dude, ive never tried that mod before but it looks hard
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Yesss finally
Thanks for the cnc guys, I'll have to check if you guys have threads I can do the same for :3
Anyway, the mod isn't actually as hard as you may think. Yeah its reeeally hard but if you can jump precisely and at the right time while avoiding the blades then you're pretty much set. Again, thanks for the cnc
I'll have another replay up in maybe a day or two, but when I finished this one I just had a feeling of "yeah I'm done with toribash for a bit", redoing parts and watching at least a thousand frames again and again when I wanted to fix something is pretty hard to stick through xD
Last edited by iIluminati; Apr 1, 2015 at 05:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Great job on that, didn't see anything very noticeable that was bad about it and i suck at parkour anyways.
Thanks again, one thing I did wrong was at the end of the pillar grid about 1/3 of the way through, when I kinda flipped on my foot, but I had redone that part so many tmes, I was gonna take anything that would get me across at that point xD
And nobody is bad at parkour, you just gotta take the time to learn it. If you really want to get better than you will :3
Last edited by iIluminati; Apr 1, 2015 at 09:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
No problem, I will be practicing my parkour soon, please cnc my latest tricking replay (i'm new to it and want to see if what i'm doing is "correct.")