
First off I would like to say, sethethan is not
the account I wish to join on, it is ChosenBaby.
I can prove that I'm ChosenBaby once we meet
in game.

I am a Canadian boy, who likes Realism
and Destruction replays and I like re-using
openers to see what else I can do. I focus sparring,
Tricking and wrecking Uke. I suck at tricking
and I have lots of good parkour wips that
I cant finish (mostly cuz I'm lazy).
I I'm good at most aikido variants
and fair at mushu. I show lots of interest
in ninjitsu and TK but I don't play them
very often. I feel I can be a valuable member
of the Clen. I have been in the clans Prodigy
and NYAA(Never Yielding Anime Addicts) I left
NYAA because I showed no interest in anime,
but my friend wanted me to join. You should
add me to the Clen because if a baby is not
happy it will cry.

Attached Files
#Chosen[T] Ascension.rpl (422.7 KB, 3 views)
TK.rpl (60.8 KB, 2 views)
Spar with solo.rpl (569.4 KB, 5 views)
#CB[T]SackyHackin'.rpl (225.2 KB, 5 views)
#CB[M]Robhoodin' 2.rpl (207.4 KB, 2 views)
#CB[M]Creative Name.rpl (246.1 KB, 2 views)
#CB[Spar]Jetlithe1.rpl (751.7 KB, 2 views)
#CB[T]Round Off -Back Full.rpl (133.7 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by sethethan; Nov 22, 2015 at 07:16 PM.
Check out my replays HERE
Alright, I'll have time to look at those replays later. Your chances of getting in are pretty good right now

EDIT: those replays are great, whalecum
Last edited by Glimpsed; Nov 23, 2015 at 06:45 PM.
Clen Application
Hello, my name is Jesse. I was born on October 26 1999. I grew up in Kentucky, a state of the United States. At a very young age, I presented signs of advanced art when I was just little. Around the age of five. My first piece was a picture of a hand holding a candle. I still have this picture. It's stored in a box that holds all of my most emotionally valuable items. My Dad said that I said that this picture represented hope. The hand raising the candle in the air to signal or shine a light through the depressing darkness. The hand also had a chain on it; possibly meaning it is trapped. As I grew, I wanted to get more into art and different kinds. I was watching a video on "Youtube" by a youtuber named "OfficialNerdCubed". It was about Toribash. I loved how this game was based off of real life movements and martial arts soI decided to give it a try. I downloaded it and registered the name "Pinnky". This is where it all began.

Why you want to join?
I want to join because I think I would be a great asset to Clen. I could create art, bring creative replays, and do other helpful favors for members. Yes, I have made banners and logos for clans and I could make one for this one aslo. I also find this clan extraordinarily better than most realism based clans. Such as "Sparring Nation Reborn", "Animous", etc... I feel as if I belong in this group. They're so fluent, consistent and experienced. I need to be apart of this.

Forum Activity
I'm on the forums most of the time on the weekends and sometimes weekdays. School is the main reason of this schedule. It's very unfortunate. (Keep note of this if you accept me) When I enter the forums, I usually just go to the market or go check out my replay thread that usually has absolutely no feedback what so ever. Shame. I also CnC replays rarely.

In-game Activity
In-game activity is very similar, if not exactly the same schedule as my forum activity.

Good Things To Know
GMT: - 4 : 00
Primary Language: English
Email: [email protected]
Alternate Acc(s): Maxtix

Attached Files
Lacuna.rpl (339.1 KB, 10 views)
Pink - Oblivion.rpl (1.17 MB, 13 views)
Purple Bandanas.rpl (366.3 KB, 13 views)
I nut glitter and vitamin C
My name is Marce, I live in London (GMT+0) and I'm a no-lifer so I've been playing toribash for 5 years. Age means nothing to me so all I'm going to say is that I'm still in school "high school".

As for what I do? I game, alot. Playing WoW, Wakfu, CS:GO, Warframe, toribash, osu and 70 other steam games. I've also made a few videos here and there, all of which you can see in my sig, although, I rarely make them anymore. I played ABD for most of my toribash time, but I started doing sparring, parkour and single player replay making recently (last year). Am I good? You can be the judge of that (answer is no).

As you probably noticed, I said I played for 5 years yet my account was made in 2014, illuminati con- I've had my fair share of alts. I don't rmemeber the name of my first ever account, but the furthest back I rmember is "dead2302". However, with a fair share of alts comes with a fair share of clans, around 20-ish. As mcuh as I used to be a clan hopper, I can't be arsed with hopping anymore, so I've only been in about 4 clans this year.

Whether you have me in the clan is of course entirely up to you, as much as I want to be in the clan, there are reasons not to have me in, on the other hand, there are of course reason to have to have me in. I'm what you call... very nice until angry. I'm quite a nice person when I'm hapy, but quite the opposite when I want to be. I have a very short temper. But I could make som every shitty videos for the clan, make some shitty replays for the clan. etc etc

In conclusion, I do want to join the clan. Glimpsed recommended me to join and is also the reason for this lovely font.

Yours sincerely,

Clen Represent
Attached Files
[aikid] too stronk kick 3.rpl (52.4 KB, 4 views)
[S] Mobile.rpl (110.8 KB, 4 views)
[Soup] Plox senpai.rpl (181.8 KB, 6 views)
[MM] Destiny.rpl (182.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by MasterTech; Nov 29, 2015 at 05:06 PM.
Originally Posted by MasterTech View Post
My name is Marce, I live in London (GMT+0) and I'm a no-lifer so I've been playing toribash for 5 years. Age means nothing to me so all I'm going to say is that I'm still in school "high school".

As for what I do? I game, alot. Playing WoW, Wakfu, CS:GO, Warframe, toribash, osu and 70 other steam games. I've also made a few videos here and there, all of which you can see in my sig, although, I rarely make them anymore. I played ABD for most of my toribash time, but I started doing sparring, parkour and single player replay making recently (last year). Am I good? You can be the judge of that (answer is no).

As you probably noticed, I said I played for 5 years yet my account was made in 2014, illuminati con- I've had my fair share of alts. I don't rmemeber the name of my first ever account, but the furthest back I rmember is "dead2302". However, with a fair share of alts comes with a fair share of clans, around 20-ish. As mcuh as I used to be a clan hopper, I can't be arsed with hopping anymore, so I've only been in about 4 clans this year.

Whether you have me in the clan is of course entirely up to you, as much as I want to be in the clan, there are reasons not to have me in, on the other hand, there are of course reason to have to have me in. I'm what you call... very nice until angry. I'm quite a nice person when I'm hapy, but quite the opposite when I want to be. I have a very short temper. But I could make som every shitty videos for the clan, make some shitty replays for the clan. etc etc

In conclusion, I do want to join the clan. Glimpsed recommended me to join and is also the reason for this lovely font.

Yours sincerely,

Clen Represent

I can not invite you to this clan, but I can tell your In.

Pinnky, because your in this clan you are going to be
making us tons of textures, and its gonna be awesome,
and you wont complain XD. JK... you can if u want tho.