Hey I'd like to join, I can make funnies and fart on command :o

I don't really need an avatar... my name already says I'm a dawg ;) :P
Since when did I become Asian?
Dont worry guys, I'm working on your cuddle puppies as we speak, also! if you get people to join, you can Unlock Cuddle puppy achievements

or, pictures that are displayed next to your name on the first post

We are getting a theme song!!!! guys We are gettign a theme song!!!!
I just typed that twice but its awesome!!!!
Last edited by AmiHaniuki; Oct 5, 2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason: WE ARE GETTING A THEME SONG
Originally Posted by JDawg View Post
Hey I'd like to join, I can make funnies and balls fell off on command :o

I don't really need an avatar... my name already says I'm a dawg ;) :P

what you dont need an avatar? that means less bonus points for you D:

(note: the bonus points will actually serve a purpose)

Originally Posted by patriotz View Post
can i join. :O i wuv puppehs.

if i am accepted i want a puppeh with tabby cat like marks(which are black) and the fur to be orange

you sound cute enough - you are in
Alrighty people, Came out with a new thing along with the Achievements...

Achievements will earn you more cookies... and you can trade in cookies for Gold Coins

The rules and blah blah blah will be up soon.
Wow, good work ami, this is developing well, and nao I have cookies!
How many coins do you think it would take to get my puppy a pistol?

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...