That silly nose. Straighten up or get knocked the (bleep) out XD (geddit?)
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
well since you asked.....
abnormal healing ability? o.o wtf are you,wolverine?

edit-I would have qouted "someone ask about the healing" but I have no idea how to work the qoute function...
Originally Posted by OfPhailure View Post
I was born with it, like my hitchiker's thumb,screwy eye,flat feet and abnormal healing ability(someone ask about the healing)

Might i ask what a Hitchhikers thumb looks like?
It makes me wonder..
Also known as loose ligament in the thumb, double-jointed thumb, if you will.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
Ah, so it's some curvy-tipped thumb. Ye, i have a double jointed them, left hand. But not at the end ;p
It makes me wonder..
Man, haven't been on for a few days. I've been at my uncles place. Be home tomorrow.

Mister616: Yes, you DO have your moments. Once i was in a bunker getting my ass shot to pieces. Lucky for me 616 was off somewhere, and headshotted the mofo through the bunker window, which is about 2 inches high.

Geast: The system specs ARE quite high, but nowadays they're not so outrageous as they used to be. Dont be getting this game to play it on Low though. Also, Warhead is easier on the hardware then the original Crysis is, as it has better system optimization. Warhead also has Crysis Wars. Just get both. :D

ofPhailure: Sounds like a killer car ride. Trust Rob to sleep while everyone else lives their lives.

Sorry to hear about all your problems, at least it doesnt stop you being a killer TB player and a awesome guy :D

Also, with the picture, what are we looking at. I have no idea =\

Super power healing eh? *loads gun*

DoubleFort: Sorry to hear all those problems too, but still, you're one of my best mates in TB and you're better then me as well :D

Co Leader of Hell-Razor
Steve may have his healing accelerated a bit, but I don't even notice pain anymore. I mean, I feel it, it just doesn't slow me down or affect me. Must have something to do with my state of mind right now. I like to call it enlightenment.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
YB: Yeah, but considering I'm on a laptop who hangs when I activate TB with shaders... well, you know? I'm gonna try to look for it when I have time though. I really wanna play it.

OfPhailure: Dang, that sucks. Must've been hectic . I got an extra bone on my knee too, so sometimes they cause 'em to hurt when I run too much, and I run loads. Could you bend a hitch-hiked thumb? Also, I tried to move 'em scrollbars when I saw that pic :O So you're surname's Beattie?

Mr616: I'd be really impressed if you take one clean hit to 'em jewels and you don't slow down XD Seriously though, this happens to me too when I'm at the heat of something. Like one time I had a scratch on my arm ( it was bleeding well enough though) and I only noticed it when it stained my sleeves. Hence, numbnuts.