Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
just be yourselfs lmao
you are better than D:

I do not know how to do sexy openers like you, and trick like a god.
Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
I do not know how to do sexy openers like you, and trick like a god.

i dont know how i make openers myself, i just klick where i feel and they becaume like this shit.
tricking is not that hard aswell,just keep going on the same direction and try to not relax alot of joints.other than dat its the same story of mm openers
thats all i know and do
rest come with alot of practice no more no less
now pls stop acting like a noob

Originally Posted by koenaw View Post
How do I not suck at mushu O wise one D:

well much is easy
try to not use similiar openers like youtube ones
just make your own openers or klick random joints till you get something
if you wanna block an attack use your legs and arms by contracting knees,hips,elbows and lowering/raising shoulders
and if you are going to fall just extend everything in arms,legs and pecs
speed of klicking is also needed coz ya know there isn't alot of time
and ofcoursly try to read your openent mind and except what he is going to do next frame by releasing what gonna happen if you both didn't change anything
one last thing, enjoy playing and kicking asses and if you get angry from losing alot just relax and try again