Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
in regards to this,as i have seen more threads about it saying
that no one requested it or that there was no discussion about it,
i requested it:

and as i like to point to others,your marketeer fun has nothing to do
with the game,the community or the fun of the community,in my
eyes anyone that complains about prices getting more logical is just
a greedy dude that doesn't care about the overall community,only
cares about himself and his profit.

Ohhh boy, do not talk shit about me just because I was selling items for some time.
Did I talk like a marketeer with marketeer's point of view? No.

The reason is that, I did not lose anything from the price reduce (i had no 3d items/hairs in my inventory at all), but I still think that it is shit. Not as marketeer., but as a player.

So please don't smear your replies that are NOT even based on what my words are, but on what i used to do some time ago.
If you are interested to continue this dialogue, please read my post again.
Lets just start with that you were saying about my marketing fun when I did not say anything as a marketeer.
I just did not like the price drop and explained why it is bad.

Actually, there is no fun to play anymore. If you are a white belt and see big boys with big items, you want to play a lot, to be like them. You explore ways of making tc, you practice a lot to win tourneys and finally get a result of your work.
Now you can afford anything and there's nothing to run for. Even some new, good and expensive items won't do the thing: a lot of cheap ones are still fancy. So, the actual game loses any effort.
It is a lot more interesting when you have many undershoot achievements, when you admit that only the best can look good. You want to buy some jiyu dreads to show all of them that you took pains to get this and you are worth something, so you play and play with a target.
Again, now there is no goal to be a good player and to play at all.
The Nearly dead community
Throughout all my years in Toribash, i think its a outstanding game to me. Im a sparer, parkourer, play many mods and buy stuff. Even thought the game is a sandbox game, it needs more than it deserves. 200+ players a day isn't good for developers. Its not much money going into their account. Lets take a example:

On Roblox, Phantom Forces gets 10k visits a day whereas Toribash gets 200+ People on the game. Hampa even said he is homeless with only a laptop and other stuff needed. Also people say the game is way too hard to play like Jacksepticeye. he said in one of his videos that the physics reminded him of Toribash, BUT he said he wont play it because its complicated af.

The only way to play Toribash is to learn how to play. People basically try for a couple of weeks but then give up. Apart from the time in November 22 in 2012, where the game had more than 12k people playing

I'm not saying the game is bad or anything, it needs more people than before. If more players abandon the game, Eventually Hampa wont get much money and will have insufficient money to keep him alive and will be forced to discontinue Toribash.

I know for sure people will be saying:
"Toribash isnt a dying game, its a small one"

But a game that is too small is bad which could end Hampa's job.

See Roblox games can beat Toribash without lifting a finger. just look at the people currently playing and Roblox won without even trying .-.

Pls don't spread hate to me, i'm spitting out facts on this thread
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
yes, let us magically summon more players and remake the game so Jacksepticeye can play it

like tsuion said, there isn't much to discuss here, not to mention the whole big rewrite of the game that's coming out in the near future