Endurance Onslaught 6.0
flower crown + cat ears 250k
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."
Originally Posted by KissSh0t View Post
icon 75k?

lol no

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
128x both foot and both hand 2k
also tell me a price that you have in mind for cat ears, i'll sell some stuff to buy it

That's not even close to fair, I'ma have to pass on that.

Originally Posted by Zach View Post
Can we do like 7k on it?

I've also sent the tc

I like you, take it for free. Thanks for the business m8. Sent it with the other items.

Originally Posted by Code View Post
icon + cat ears 180k

I'm not interested. Cat eats are worth more than 180k by themselves.

Originally Posted by Vlodimer View Post
Icon ?k with Tennis Racket 8k = 67k

No thanks.

Originally Posted by KissSh0t View Post
icon+ cat ears 200k
nerd glasses 18k
anime umbrella 10k

I'm going to have to pass on the icon cat ears, just as everyone else that's way low even for JUST cat ears, let alone the icon.

Nerd glasses, I don't see any so cheap, but I understand most want to resell.
I'll sell them for 30k, no less no more, since the next cheapest I see if 40k

Anime umbrella, 15k and its a deal

Originally Posted by Code View Post
you dont have to offer more than me lol
he has like 10 of each
also can I see pics of the flames?

There's a ingame forge browser you can look up the flames. This is not the place to post such things, as this is not a flame store.

Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
cat ears and icon 220k

still gonna pass

Originally Posted by Wife View Post
Pure Relax 12k TC

sold, will send

Originally Posted by SenseiDc View Post
icon + cat ears 180k
boxing gloves 4k

Originally Posted by hugsteur View Post
flower crown + cat ears 250k

Originally Posted by cavarel View Post
50k icon

These last offers are both no
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
Can you counter my offer ?

Originally Posted by SenseiDc View Post
umm can i have counter on the gloves?

It's not hard to check why I just straight up said no. But if you want a counter, boxing gloves are 7k each on the market, why would I sell both for 4k total? I'll sell them for 5k a piece, I won't go lower.

and it seems most 128 body parts are all running 1700tc, why would I sell 4 for 2k?
I'll sell them each to you for 1200 tc a piece
I'll do 4k
Well, this is how the forum work, the price will be more cheap than market price
<Angels> watch weed win while matty fappin

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'll do 4k
Well, this is how the forum work, the price will be more cheap than market price

I've been here quite a lot longer than you lol, I know how the forums work. That price is doable. I'll take them out of the set and send them over for a total price of 4k.

Originally Posted by SenseiDc View Post
hunter force-9k
512x ground 40k to start it off


hunter force is a deal,
and I already have an offer for the 512 ground that when I'm selling, they have first dibs. Sorry.
25k mecha arms
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."