Original Post
The New Year's Silent Auction
MS Presents: The New Years Silent Auction

HI GUYS-oops too loud, since the last one went so well we are doing it again! And what better time than to ring in the New Year with a market event! So what is a "silent auction"? It's simple, all of the bids will be done via private message to the account AuctionHouse, but please be aware that people are allowed to say what they bid in private in this thread (and what they say they bid doesn't have to be true).

Terms of this Auction

The Auction will end at 12:00 GMT+1 on the 4th of January
Every item has a minimum bid of 1,000 TC.
None of the items in this auction can be auto-bought.
There is no minimum raise as you don't have access to other users bids.

Please read these notes

As mentioned above, any bids which are not sent to AuctionHouse via PM, will not be taken into consideration, but will be viewed as satire (Please do not send any TC to the AuctionHouse).

For the sake of transparency, Charm and Weak will be handling this Auction and therefore all members of staff are allowed to compete.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to post in this thread, or, contact Charm via PM or Discord (Daryl#7700) or Weak (Rain#0420) and we will reply to you whenever available.
Last edited by Lucci; Dec 29, 2021 at 06:25 AM.


we are better than you
Items have been sent out to the corresponding winners, if you have any remaining questions or issues, contact me or weak via Discord or PM.
