now that ive read this thread, i noticed that "old" means "stupid" and "fail" for you. old songs, old books, old engines can be really good and i really like this thread! it would be awesome if we would be able to see those kinds of motion in toribash soon. cool nudge xtwistedx!
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
thank you.... thank you very much Shockwave. Atleast someone was nice.

Everyone here on the toribash forums seems too assume that EVERYONE is to know EVERYTHING that has been posted or looked at by ANY and ALL members. Well bad news. Not alot of people want to, or even feel like remembring everything that has been posted in the forums, and if you have, and then hold that against other members, then thats your (bleep)ing problem not ours. Dont take shit out on us just for fun. Sure we may be noobs (referring to regular members) but werent you a noob once too? The whole point im trying to make here is that if you dont have something constructive to say in any of my threads, or anywhere else in the forums THEN DONT POST! Please spare us of your "I know goddamn everything" and "This thread sucks because.." bullshit, noone likes it! ESPECIALLY ME!

/ontopic Yeah this might be old but its still usefull i love watching those movies ALSO just scan through the website theres tons more!
Last edited by xtwistedx; Jan 4, 2009 at 07:26 PM.
Toribash has it's own physics engine and should keep using that. Also stop whining all the fucking time.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I officialy think that toribash is better than that and I think toribash is way way better than euphoria. No blood there :P
you think writing a paragraph about your sorry life is going to help your rep?
If you want people to respect you then act mature don't post titles like OMFGLOLOL!?!?!?! THE FUTURE.
Also before you post something all you need to do is search its name and see if it has already been posted about.
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
Originally Posted by Frunk View Post
you think writing a paragraph about your sorry life is going to help your rep?
If you want people to respect you then act mature don't post titles like OMFGLOLOL!?!?!?! THE FUTURE.
Also before you post something all you need to do is search its name and see if it has already been posted about.

you think shutting down my paragraph is going to make your life any better and give you +rep?
Besides i wasnt trying for +rep (idiot) I was simply stating that people should be nicer and obviously your dumbass didnt listen. KTHXBAI

Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
I officialy think that toribash is better than that and I think toribash is way way better than euphoria. No blood there :P

/ontopic I think if maybe we mixed the toribash blood system with this physics engine that would be awesome! Or maybe it could be a different game? But i really like these physics beacuse characters which are in the same postion, get hit by the same thing, same time, same everything and they will react differently from each other. thats awesome! Oh yeah thanks for atleast being constructive
Last edited by xtwistedx; Jan 4, 2009 at 07:51 PM.
Look at it this way, even if it is old it can still be potentially useful. I personally thought it was pretty awesome, and to incorporate it into tori would be great. He just found this, thought it would be cool to post about it, and so he posted. Isnt that what forums are for?