Lol, sweet replay chris. your opponet was such a dumbass. i dont understand why anyone would grab. pointless. period.

and i posted the wrong replay... oh well (cuase i name all my multiplayer replays of that mod m# and ive got 30 of them so...)
- its been a while
friday i believe... or like sunday. then ladydeath will submit a poll to determine winner. rules to decide winner will probably be submitted by ladydeath too.

if she forgets.... either me or browstain will do it. she wont though.
- its been a while
next week theres going to be prize. YAY!!!!

this weeks was just a test to see how many people would try. 8D
- its been a while
lol read the whole thread next time... dont worry you got the prize of CLAN APPREICIATION. thats a pretty good prize, doncha think?
- its been a while
I think someone said they would give like 200tc lol. I might give out a 1k prize next week. My head texture shop has made me like 4k in a day.. o.o but i've beeen so effing busy.
(Hive people only, haha!)