This is a mod I won't upload and which would benefit of some improving, but I lost interest in it. Nevertheless it's an interesting work, which might inspire other modders.
It's a real gun (aka "has a real bullet instead of modified long hands") and a trigger to time your shot.
1. Hold all and grab your right hand
2. Point gun at Uke
3. Ungrab your hand. The rotating trigger will shoot the bullet.
Don't move around wildly in round 1; just hold all and grab is a start which make it function as intended.
Have fun ;)
Yikes, sorry, of course I meant to upload it! Just showing the image isn't very helpful ;) It's attached to this post.
I won't upload it for online play, though. Not stable / ready enough and more a singleplayer mod anyway.
Attached Files
triggerpistol.tbm (2.6 KB, 24 views)
^ lol nut shot.. I like how you can move the gun around without the shot falling out.. that's pretty cool. I just figured out a way you can make this multiplayer;
Just make the "Gun Bottom" and "Grip" all one piece. It might look less like a gun, but then in multiplayer people will actually be able to shoot at eachother with environment objects.
Also.. the header for this file still says
"# countdownframe by Fluxit, March 30th 2009
# Instagibframe. Watch the warning countdown on the floor!"
/set gr 0 0 -30
Copy/pasted from my other mod ;) I didn't care for it because I didn't really mean to upload this mod first 'cause I don't consider it ready.
Not sure how you mean that with the combined grip. If you or anyone else wants to modify it, feel free to! I don't claim any rights for it and currently don't have interest in modding.

Well you can factor out the piece I have with a big "x" over it, raise the sides, shorten the bottom of the grip, and then widen and heighten (and lower) the bottom of the barrel so it factors out one piece, allowing you to make 2 of them (one for Uke.. or 1 in each hand lol) hmm I might do it later.
/set gr 0 0 -30
@DoubleDagR: Good idea I'm not in modding mood, but go ahead if you want to. I don't claim any credits if you want to upload it, it's for the community after all.

@Serhan: Thanks.
Well, what do you think? I had to remove some joints because there's a maximum limit . This means the guns are slightly less reliable but they work if you're careful with them. I also gave them a bit more kick to cover the larger distance.. So rely on the ghost, if the ghost shows your gun backfiring and shooting your head off, you might want to make it so your ghost isn't showing your gun backfiring and shooting your head off. :P

Attached Files
MPtriggerpistols.tbm (4.4 KB, 9 views)
matrix dodge.rpl (54.5 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Jul 25, 2009 at 04:00 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30