I love this game, only played it for one hour in total but i'm already in love with it.

brb, going to play it for about 6 hours.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Originally Posted by Dirtnapp View Post
Can some1 tell me whats so great about it ?

The combat. The realism.

If you are looking for realistic medieval battles, this is the game to get.
No other game really offers that.
Nothing quite like riding a horse on full charge and sinking a morning star into an enemy's head

While vanilla version is single-player only, soon (likely February-March) a multiplayer expansion will come out, called warband.
Warband is also said to offer more diplomatic options for you in singelplayer.

I really can't wait, spent hours after hours on the original M&B until I told myself not to play it again, it is dangerous.
Dirt dosen't need luck

I'm re-installing it right now, I have an urge to kill. Lord of the ring style.
Downloading some new released mods.
Centuries Of Damn
My pc's making it a bit annoying though.
I just defeated 7 lords with 830 troops in a battle then the game crashed while I was hiring rescued prisoners.
The person below is gay
Bumping old thread because fuck, I couldn't find another old Mount & Blade thread on Toribash.

Anyhow, Mount & Blade has a limited offer, it is 75% off. :D