i like the spinny opener and the movement looks clean, kind of wish that first kick was a double knee but the decap also looked pretty cool. the little spin using uke as momentum and then double glute dm was epic as well, though i didn't rly like the movement past that point where you fell and kind of bounced back up but the resulting kick was kinda cool too. too bad it glitches out or something at the end i dunno
dope replay, has lots of style to it. the opener was very stylish i really liked it. the knee dm at first looked a lil underwhelming (mayb just because of grav idk), but the transition to the decap made it work p well. the whole transition to the boom hit was well done and the boom looked crunchy. somehow you were able to rebound and go for the rest of the body in a way that looked pretty nice, grav makes that harder to make look good.