Endurance Onslaught 6.0
age: 17
belt: brown belt
forum and game activity: daily most of the time
skype: yes
when i use skype: almost all day
when i started: 2 years ago
best mods: judo, jousting
why i want to be a lotus eater: because i want a clan and you all seem nice
previous clans: none
why i left/got kicked: N/A
infractions: none
Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? yes
alts: none
Originally Posted by UsagiInaba View Post
when i started: 2 years ago
alts: none

How exactly is that, while your join date is april 2016?
i had an account i used ages ago and i lost the details of it. i never put it in alt for the reason of me not knowing the pass xD
i acually realised how stupid that was...my alt account is ronnoc6781 i lost the pass around like 3-4 weeks ago xD
Last edited by UsagiInaba; May 6, 2016 at 08:05 PM.
Originally Posted by UsagiInaba View Post
age: 17
belt: brown belt
forum and game activity: daily most of the time
skype: yes
when i use skype: almost all day
when i started: 2 years ago
best mods: judo, jousting
why i want to be a lotus eater: because i want a clan and you all seem nice
previous clans: none
why i left/got kicked: N/A
infractions: none
Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? yes
alts: none
