Endurance Onslaught 6.0
"You still haven't refuted my argument.

Where do you think incentive to work will come from, if it doesn't come from reward in the form of money or benefits?"

I did answer it, that's even the first thing I answered. All people's choices aren't driven by the biggest carrot they can find, we ain't all traders or real estate developers ; most people choose their work/life depending on their vocation and/or center of interests, what they're good at.

Why would everyone stop working all of a sudden ? I'm sorry to say that's just a stupid reasonning, just like people who think we'll go back to stone age and lose every technological advancies if we changed our societal model. Maybe you're the lazy ass turd who needs a big carrot, and project yourself onthe rest of us.

Yeah, I'd discuss if there's something to discuss, but I don't think you know what the hell you're talking about. No one serious would say "Capitalism is thriving because it's giving us Ebay and Amazon", you sound like the kind of person who embraced his parents' political opinion and never questionned it.
Your argument is based on the fact that some people will work harder than others just because they want to. In reality, there are very, very few people like that. People would stop working hard because there would be no need to work hard. If your statement is true, why do people work in fast food? why do people seek promotions in the workplace? Why do people purposely take draining and stressful jobs?

I didn't say "Capitalism is thriving because it's giving us Ebay and Amazon", I said technological advances are fuelling capitalism through global trade. Twisting my arguments don't make yours right.

Also, I studied economics for two years and I'm doing commerce in uni. Ironically though, I'm the one who doesn't know what they're talking about. Do you even know what the gini coefficient is?
Yeah because in times anterior to capitalism, people didn't work, Science and technological research didn't exist, we were just a bunch of civilization-less beasts and it's all going to end with the collapsing of modern capitalism.

Of course you studied economics for two years and doing commerce in Uni, that's why you think you know something and you're convinced capitalism is the ultimate model, should have seen that.
Let me tell you this : Economics -as a science- is a projection that can only work on a closed economic model, meaning you're not being taught economics, you're being taught capitalism and how to perpetuate the actual model, without taking into consideration the social and political aspects. ... scholar programs are made by the government(s) so they're inherently political.

But I'll give you this, Capitalism had some good years and a bunch of technological discoveries happened under its reign (even though we can't be sure we wouldn't have had these under a different economic system, or maybe even better, who knows). But like any other system it's going to end ; it's corrupt, it's already eating people's rights away, and we already have he tools to go toward something better. In fact we're already slowly transitionning to "knowledge economy". Capitalism as you know it -material, seeking infinite growth with finite ressources- has become a drag for society, and a danger for mankind.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 26, 2016 at 06:07 PM.
Capitalism has been around since trading has existed (which is a VERY [indeterminately] long time, earlier than civilisation itself, and even if you were being ironic, science literally did not exist at this point in time), so I don't know where you got that idea from. If anything, communism and socialism are the ones taking their terms and dying, evidently shown by the current state of communist countries. The fact that you think capitalism is "eating people's rights away"is laughable, capitalism is literally the concept of the free market - buying and selling what you want. freedom.

Also, I went to a private school, so no, no government politics.
Last edited by Surfings; Sep 26, 2016 at 07:19 PM.
Imo we, as a mass, are just as manipulated like mankind has bean for ever. People have learned that its easyer to keep the masses satisfyed if u give them the feeling of freedom. Comunism will die and it will be replaced by capitalism. But the 1% will still be the same people.
Mankind has learned how to milk everyday people and still keep them busy and rather happy in their miserable life.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Surfings View Post
Where do you think incentive to work will come from, if it doesn't come from reward in the form of money or benefits?

Also, capitalism is thriving due to the globalist movement since China's open doors policy, as well as our access technology giving us online markets like Ebay and Amazon.

I read your clarification below, but that's still a sketchy as hell explanation for why capitalism might be thriving.

As for the incentive bit, you don't need currency to give incentive to work. It's certainly useful, but the fact that you think that currency is imperative to work is fucking ridiculous lmfao. How did Stalin industrialize the USSR, then? Don't let reality inconvenience your argument, though.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Equality doesn't mean everyone should have the same wage and be as miserable as each other like in ex-USSR (which was a dictatorship btw), doesn't mean we're biologically equal either. Equality means people are -in a supposed democratic system- entitled to the same rights, same access to proper education, medical care, equals in the eyes of Justice, access to basic needs without any regard for their religion, ethnie, gender, political opinions, bank account... "Equality" isn't a condition you have and everyone is happy, it's a value, a goal to work toward, like "Freedom", "Justice"... democratic responsibilities.

How people not being treated equally is necessary for ANY society to function ? How's that been going so far, for all the systems which collapsed succesively for a few thousands years before us ? because people are and will always be striving for fair and better treatment, and fight political and economical domination.

Capitalism has gone sour ; access to immediate informations, thanks to the internet, revealed the very fundations of the system and its consequences, the ineptitude of the governments to defend the people against the interests of massive lobbies and companies, the lack of action to protect the environment, the adaptive morality, the immobilism, the inherent anti-democratic aspect... It's already crumbling down.

I'm not trying to convince you to change your political opinion, I'm just letting you know what's going to happen. Capitalism is going to vanish as well, in a not-so-distant future.

I doubt capitalism will vanish. It's an extremely useful system for the distribution of goods and structuring of society, marginally incentivizing all kinds of actions. I agree that there could be regulatory and interventionist tweaks, but to throw the house out with the kitchen sink is silly.

Originally Posted by Surfings View Post
Your argument is based on the fact that some people will work harder than others just because they want to. In reality, there are very, very few people like that. People would stop working hard because there would be no need to work hard. If your statement is true, why do people work in fast food? why do people seek promotions in the workplace? Why do people purposely take draining and stressful jobs?

I didn't say "Capitalism is thriving because it's giving us Ebay and Amazon", I said technological advances are fuelling capitalism through global trade. Twisting my arguments don't make yours right.

No... that's basically what you said.

Also, capitalism is thriving due to the globalist movement since China's open doors policy, as well as our access technology giving us online markets like Ebay and Amazon.

The funny thing is, you can't even properly explain why these kinds of mediums might streamline capitalism.

Some people might work in fast food because they enjoy it, people seek promotions because there's an inherent satisfaction in being recognized for your capabilities, and people take draining and stressful jobs because they can be rewarding.

Absolutely, there will be people who make decisions purely based on currency, but assuming these people are the majority without citation should be immediately disregarded. Almost every artist (painter, musician, sculptor) in history proves you wrong (if you know much history, you'll learn many were dirt poor), and it's certainly silly to assume there's some mystical power about artists that makes them consider their work instead of monetary compensation when making decisions. Obviously, currency being the negotiation tool that facilitates exchange for necessary goods like food, shelter, and water, it needs to be considered by people, but that would have either marginal or no bearing on whether someone wants to be a construction contractor or a plumber, nor would it have any effect on whether someone chooses to be a doctor or a pilot.

Originally Posted by Surfings View Post
Capitalism has been around since trading has existed (which is a VERY [indeterminately] long time, earlier than civilisation itself, and even if you were being ironic, science literally did not exist at this point in time), so I don't know where you got that idea from. If anything, communism and socialism are the ones taking their terms and dying, evidently shown by the current state of communist countries. The fact that you think capitalism is "eating people's rights away"is laughable, capitalism is literally the concept of the free market - buying and selling what you want. freedom.

I want you to show this paragraph to your professor and have them tell you what they think, because so much of this is either grossly misleading or blatantly wrong it's laughable. I'll elaborate on this when I get home from work but jeeeeeeeeeez.
Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
I doubt capitalism will vanish. It's an extremely useful system for the distribution of goods and structuring of society, marginally incentivizing all kinds of actions. I agree that there could be regulatory and interventionist tweaks, but to throw the house out with the kitchen sink is silly.

Well, attempting to regulate and somewhat control it is what politics have been saying they were doing for a decade or more now, nothing moves... Here in Europe, every "attempt" at regulation by the political cast ends up being just a delay, rendered null and void a few months later, fiscal evasion is a pain in the ass, billions of loss every month. People start being fed up with the bs ; I know a large part of my generation just accepted the fact it's not going to get any better and alternatives already appear.

I don't think it's going to happen like "throwing the house out with the kitchen", it's just going to fade while people re-adjust and re-appropriate their economy and politics at a smaller scale. Here we see more and more "cooperative markets" where customers can buy directly to local producers, and short-circuit the supermarkets. Better products, they know where it's coming from, if it's ethical production etc...
A couple of cities decided to become autonomous food-wise, they bought back fields to local farmers and the inhabitants of these cities produce food for the local market, unemployement pretty much disappeared in these cities, people would rather be involved in something concrete than struggle to find a shit jobs for big companies.

Also thanks for taking over in the discussion with Surfings, he writes so many absurd stuffs I don't know where to begin with, it's a tiresome exercise.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 27, 2016 at 03:30 AM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Who's to say people who earn millions have harder jobs

The economy believes they earned it. You can't become rich without generating value, end of story.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
so maybe he owes more to other people than he owes to himself in the end.
Without other people he would just be a sad and scared hairless monkey trying to survive.

And without him then his employees would be sad and scared hairless monkeys trying to survive. You can't be a sweatshop worker without a sweatshop.

In a global economy everything is connected, even if you start your own business, you are reliant on other people. The employer/employee relationship works both ways, the same way that the vendor/customer relationship does. The market is self correcting and very efficient, on the whole people get what the market thinks they deserve.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
And it is, people who earn normal and low incomes contribute to society and pay taxes, they're even the reason why rich people are rich. The difference is you still live a more comfortable life being taxed 50% of 10M than paying 10% of 1500$.

And you can live more comfortably with 10M than you can with 5M. By necessity you MUST give a number that you consider to be the minimum comfortable income, otherwise this argument is nonsense. Should we just keep increasing tax until everyone takes home the same amount of money? It sounds ridiculous but that's the endgame of that argument.

I don't think you addressed that rich people are people, they will happily leave a country that is taking more money than they think is fair. Like I said the market is self correcting, if you increase tax at the highest bracket to 99% because you believe they can still be comfortable, they will just leave to a better country. Considering the rich already support the vast majority of people with no benefit to themselves, is this a good idea?

Besides your vague concept that humans are social therefore the rich owe the poor (which is non sequitur) do you have any reason to think that the rich have any sort of obligation to look after anyone except themselves?
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Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
I read your clarification below, but that's still a sketchy as hell explanation for why capitalism might be thriving.

As for the incentive bit, you don't need currency to give incentive to work. It's certainly useful, but the fact that you think that currency is imperative to work is fucking ridiculous lmfao. How did Stalin industrialize the USSR, then? Don't let reality inconvenience your argument, though.

Probably fear, since he was killing millions of people.

Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
No... that's basically what you said.

No, it's not.

Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
The funny thing is, you can't even properly explain why these kinds of mediums might streamline capitalism.

It's not that I can't, I just assumed others would be intelligent enough to know.

Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
Some people might work in fast food because they enjoy it, people seek promotions because there's an inherent satisfaction in being recognized for your capabilities, and people take draining and stressful jobs because they can be rewarding.

Sorry but this is pure speculation on a reality that doesn't exist.

Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
Absolutely, there will be people who make decisions purely based on currency, but assuming these people are the majority without citation should be immediately disregarded. Almost every artist (painter, musician, sculptor) in history proves you wrong (if you know much history, you'll learn many were dirt poor), and it's certainly silly to assume there's some mystical power about artists that makes them consider their work instead of monetary compensation when making decisions. Obviously, currency being the negotiation tool that facilitates exchange for necessary goods like food, shelter, and water, it needs to be considered by people, but that would have either marginal or no bearing on whether someone wants to be a construction contractor or a plumber, nor would it have any effect on whether someone chooses to be a doctor or a pilot.

Believe this or not, it's by dailymail so it's probably biased, but either way ,you are living in a fairytale.

Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
I want you to show this paragraph to your professor and have them tell you what they think, because so much of this is either grossly misleading or blatantly wrong it's laughable. I'll elaborate on this when I get home from work but jeeeeeeeeeez.

And your qualifications are? Armchair economist?
Last edited by Surfings; Sep 27, 2016 at 06:24 AM.
Debate was last night, didn't watch all of it but I watched like the first 45 mins
Most sources I can find say Hillary won and I think she was wayyyyyyy more prepared and professional through the portion I watched

Who do you guys think won?

Need help? PM me!
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