Goodbye, ishi. <3 You will be missed as Toribash's finest administrators.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by ishi View Post
i don't want to go into specifics since its kind of an internal matter, but let's say i didn't agree with a certain figure and how he strong-armed a certain group and denied that he did it / said people actually had a say in it.

i'm sure people will figure out what i'm talking about soon enough.

anyway, i'm resigned from all staffy duties, don't see myself coming back, i wish the current team good luck, especially the group that was mentioned above, they will need it for sure.


we all saw it coming tho. Salut ishi.
Ishi, you are going to stay in toribash, right? Just not mess with all that staff stuff? >.> I can't tell.;(
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
ye, less active on the forums since there aint much for me here, but ill always be idling in irc and might pop in game to host sometimes or whatever
