Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
You have difficulty getting to sleep in your current state, but your sleepiness overwhelms you. You awaken in a sand dune, the sun beating down on your neck. It takes you a while to determine that you are in a dream.

I stand up, then look around in all directions for something more than sand and hills.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I tighten my grip on the horns and begin to move silently to the noise. I determine to remain stealthy.

You exit the cave to see a large muscular man wrapped in human skin holding the girl by her throat high off the ground. She kicks and wriggles to try and get free, but fails. She tries to scream but it gurgles as he tears her head off with his bear hands. You estimate him to be 7 feet tall, human, and extremely strong. He wears a skull for a mask and has numerous skulls tied around his waste as apparent trophies.

Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
I stand up, then look around in all directions for something more than sand and hills.

In the far distance stands a tall structure, it looks like a temple from afar. In all other directions lies nothing but sand dunes and sky.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
In the far distance stands a tall structure, it looks like a temple from afar. In all other directions lies nothing but sand dunes and sky.

Deciding it's better than standing in the middle of nowhere, I walk towards the distant temple, breaking into a jog since I have no need for water.
Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
Deciding it's better than standing in the middle of nowhere, I walk towards the distant temple, breaking into a jog since I have no need for water.

As you approach the temple, you realize it's completely ruined, built from sandstone, half of it is collapsed. Roman corpses litter the entrance.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
As you approach the temple, you realize it's completely ruined, built from sandstone, half of it is collapsed. Roman corpses litter the entrance.

As quietly as I can, I pull out my sword and sneak up to the ruins, keeping an eye on the area around me so I can't be ambushed.
Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
As quietly as I can, I pull out my sword and sneak up to the ruins, keeping an eye on the area around me so I can't be ambushed.

You hear a struggle coming from inside, yells and shouts in your language as metal clashes against metal.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
You exit the cave to see a large muscular man wrapped in human skin holding the girl by her throat high off the ground. She kicks and wriggles to try and get free, but fails. She tries to scream but it gurgles as he tears her head off with his bear hands. You estimate him to be 7 feet tall, human, and extremely strong. He wears a skull for a mask and has numerous skulls tied around his waste as apparent trophies.

I turn and move back into the cave, and try to remain quiet as I move behind the corner of the entrance.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
You hear a struggle coming from inside, yells and shouts in your language as metal clashes against metal.

Hiding behind a pillar of sandstone, I peek around the corner and try to get a grip on what's going on inside the ruins.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I turn and move back into the cave, and try to remain quiet as I move behind the corner of the entrance.

You do so successfully, but hear his heavy footsteps wandering around outside entrance, obviously inspecting it.

Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
Hiding behind a pillar of sandstone, I peek around the corner and try to get a grip on what's going on inside the ruins.

The ruins appear large and deep, with numerous passages. You cannot see what is going on inside. A scream of pain yells out from within the temple, followed by the familiar voice of Maximus shouting "FLANK HIM!"
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
The ruins appear large and deep, with numerous passages. You cannot see what is going on inside. A scream of pain yells out from within the temple, followed by the familiar voice of Maximus shouting "FLANK HIM!"

Leading with my blade and weilding my military dagger in my offhand, I walk into the dilapidated temple towards where I think Maximus' voice came from. Whenever I come to a corner, I look around it before continuing.